TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
How do people learn? I see myself as a facilitator of learning and project processes. I focus on project management, peer education, civic education, (social) entrepreneurship, and communication and have recently gone deeper into Human Rights and economic models. Further interests are on the topic of (non-formal) education, sustainability, organizations, behavioral branding, storytelling, creativity techniques and working spaces. I take my folding bike with me wherever I travel.
Dorit Machell (Fauck) has 7 references for past work as a trainer.
Facilitator, Trainer and Project Cordinator (free lance)
2010-11 EVS in Reykjavik (Iceland):
leading international workcamps on various topics like sustainable energy and art
2012 Organizing and facilitating EVS preparatory seminars
Since 2012 Facilitation of EuroPeer training courses and annual forums on the national and international level, JUGEND für Europa/Interkulturelles Zentrum
2013 International Youth Exchange Coordinator, The Connectors Society Malmö (Sweden)
2014 Facilitation of seminars on youth work and further projects for the European Elections
2013-15 Research Assistant at department of Innovation and Creative Management, Bauhaus University Weimar (Germany)
Since 2013 Head of Bauhaus Internationals (Germany)
Since 2013 Facilitation of seminars on communication, storytelling, and project management
2015 Worskhops for Startups on their internal and external Kommunikation
Since 2016 Research Assistant at Bauhaus Research School Weimar (Germany)
Since 2017 Seminars on new economic models/sustainability/degrowth and Human Rights, Train-the-Trainer EJB Weimar
Since 2018: EVS seminars (EFT & MTM), EJB Weimar
The training courses listed below are a selection. National TCs and further projects within the non-formal education are not mentioned.
Bachelor of Arts in Media Culture and International Relations, Bauhaus University Weimar and Malmö University, 2014
Master of Arts in Media Management, Bauhaus University (expected 2018)
Training of Trainers Salto Youth 2014/15
FAJU 2014
Train-the-Trainers EJBW 2017
This profile was last modified on 2020-01-07