This is a reference for Melih Ă–zkardes

EuroPeers Training in Berlin (DE)

The training activity took place
in Berlin
organised by German national agency
Reference person

Malte Krumrey

(EuroPeers Contact Person)
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Aims & objectives

EuroPeers Trainings are an important part of EuroPeers network, which started in 2005.

EuroPeers are young people who have gathered European experiences of their own under the EU's youth programme and want to share them with their peers. They may have gone abroad with the European Voluntary Service or dealt with European issues as participants in a youth initiative.

EuroPeers report on their experiences and talk to their peers about the Erasmus+ YOUTH IN ACTION programme and other mobility schemes for young people. EuroPeers either organise their own events or may be invited by schools, youth welfare offices or cultural centres to speak. All EuroPeers perform these activities voluntarily.

In these trainings EuroPeers gain different knowledge and skills which they need for their peer work.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Target group was EuroPeers (ex-participants of Youth in Action programme). We had a German speaking group from Germany, Austria and some other ex-evs from other countries who did their EVS in Germany.

Training methods used & main activities

EuroPeers trainings are based on non formal learning methods since it is organized by the National Agency.

Outcomes of the activity

After every EuroPeers training the network gets fresh wind and gets bigger. We have 30 up to 50 participants in these trainings. These participants become EuroPeers and keep the network alive with their projects to promote Youth in Action. The results are to see on

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

As trainer i am responsible with design and developing of the training course. Over the years me and my team develop the concept of EuroPeers further and nowadays the network became more European so that we have participants from several European countries.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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