TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
NGO and NFE is my lifestyle. Those who know me say that I am strict but fair. Smiling and hearty. Creative and practical person. To whom you can always ask advice or simply come to talk. In my work I am conscientious and learn quickly. I'm always open for new ideas and approaches, willing to learn. And I never teach for other things I didn't go throw. I never do the same things in the same way. I like humor but do not like to be "boss"! I like to work in team but am able to work individually.
Liga Kreslina has 7 references for past work as a trainer.
Full time volunteer.
NGO chairwoman and NFE trainer, project manager and writer, accountant. Work with social inclusion - social risk group, disability, difference, equality. Leading NFE lessons in schools. Work with human rights especially with children rights.
Work as NFE trainer for NA about social inclusion, EVS on arrival trainings, trainings for new EVS organisations.
National Integration Centre - coordinator, trainer, consultant for people of third countries and foreigners.
Member of youth comission in city council.
Coordinator of NGO's of Kurland region.
High level of education. Financial and credit specialist. Marketing specialist. Economist. This formal education help for me a lot in NFE and NGO work.
A lot of NFE courses about different topics. Those was really important for my trainer and NGO leader work, for to adapt any method for any target group and find solution and approach in each situation.
Children artist school, children school of music and children school of sport help to me to be creative and attractive.
Working since 13 years old as street cleaner help to me understand more social risk group - poor people and help to include them more.
Working with families help to me work with all community.
Work in National Integration Centre with foreigners and third country people help me to understand culture difference, equality, discrimination, inclusion and integration, and here I also got a lot trainings about specific human rights, peace education, comunication and consultation, respect etc.
Work in youth comission on city council teach to me about youth policy.
This profile was last modified on 2016-03-05