This is a reference for Liga Kreslina

Include you will power

The training activity took place
in Lenkas, Latvia
organised by Liepajas Jaunie Vanagi

Aims & objectives

Youth activities will contribute to quality of support systems of civil society organizations in capacity building and cooperation in the youth field.
- Develop understanding about about human rights and social inclusion main principles.
- Analyze situation about social inclusion in European context.
- Share expierences and develop knowledges about social inclusion for those who works with this issue.
- Get know different methods and resources available from COMPAS and ALL TOGETHER.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

This was TC for youth leaders, youth workers, teachers from Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Czech Rep., Lithuania, Turkey and Latvia with main idea to empower their knowledges in activities which are connected, with human rights, social inclusion on non formal education methods.

Training methods used & main activities

The planned activities and working methods were contribute to the non formal education, trust process and the participants social and personal development (learning tasks):
- The training course was designed as a free space for mutual learning on the basis of non-formal learning and experimental learning methods that will be used with the support and supervision of the planning team.
- Training within a multicultural group of participants to turn into a discussion on cross-cultural education and personal development of the participants. The main methodological principles include capacity building, active and interactive participation, group and team work and learning through experience.

Outcomes of the activity

Youth who take part in this activieties learned new skills and knowledges in non formal way, with that action they promote youth field development in Europe. Knowledges and expierence gaves chance for youth to became more active, became active Europen citizenship and Participants of this TC were acquire new knowledges and skills in non formal way, by this promoting and youth firld development in Europe level.
The exchange of experience was provide an opportunity for young people to develop as a civic asset to the citizens and to engage in unprotected human rights monitoring and education. Meeting young people from different countries, they each presented their own national culture, ethics and habits. Joint activities was improve young people's intercultural education.
The project offered an innovative approach to social inclusion - social inclusion through empathy, and activities through All Together methods, the Council of Europe approved guide directly to social inclusion in education.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was organize this training and was one of the trainers who developed that project, and implement all stages. Main responsibilities - ice breaking, team building, equality, social inclusion, discrimination, sharing experiences and good practices, evaluation activities.

I worked on this training for 10 days as a full time trainer.

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