This is a reference for Liga Kreslina

Inclusion Cocktail, Step II

The training activity took place
in Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
organised by MKC Slovenj Gradec

Aims & objectives

Main aim of the training course is to develop skills and knowledge for youth leaders and trainers, who are involved in a work with social risk group youth, using non-formal methodology, based on social inclusion.
Increase awareness about human rights and social inclusion principles.
Analyze situation on inclusion in European context.
Sharing experience and develop knowledge about inclusion.
Get to know new methods and resources available on COMPAS and ALL TOGETHER book.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

This was training cource for youth leaders and educators who would like to increase and expand their competencies and activities in the area of social inclusion through non-formal learning methods. Participants were from Slovenia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Latvia and Croatia.

Training methods used & main activities

Program were start with getting know each other, ice-breaking. After we had introduction in social inclusion, and each country were present situation about inclusion in their own countries.
Participants had presentation about existing handbook on inclusion ALL TOGETHER, and also have space to try some of those methods in practice.
Work mainly were going to be in small groups and we organized it in educational, but funny ways. We prepare for some simulation activities.
There were outdoor activities. Participants can try in practice everything learn before.

Outcomes of the activity

By using innovative and creative approaches to social inclusion education, the training were approach "inclusion" through theatre methods and methods of empathy, with the help of external experts who deal with special needs persons on a daily basis. Main outcome were »Universal Design« for social inclusion which is used in different countries through knowledge participants got in this project.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I were create programm and lead it fully in team.

I worked on this training for 10 days as a full time trainer.

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