This is a reference for Miguel Angel Garcia Lopez

TRAYCE - Training of Trainers for Youth in the Council of Europe

The training activity took place
in Budapest Hungary and Strasbourg France
organised by Youth Department of the Council of Europe

Aims & objectives

The training course aimed to support the quality development of non-formal education activities in the Council of Europe through the development of competence of trainers active in the youth field.

The strategic and institutional objectives for the course were:
- to contribute to the recognition and quality development of non-formal education in the youth field in Europe;
- to contribute to the development of a professional profile of youth trainers in Europe and the recognition of their competences;
- to support quality development in the work of youth organisations in Europe in non-formal education, notable those cooperating with the European Youth Centres of the Council of Europe;
- to contribute to the quality and sustainability of the youth programme of the Council of Europe and its partners including the enlargement and diversification of the Trainers Pool;
- to promote the Council of Europe’s values and approaches underlying European youth work and to reflect on how they should apply in training activities.
The educational objectives of the course were:
- to support participants in gaining a good understanding of the Council of Europe’s institutional framework, values, principles and practices underlying non-formal education with young people in the Council of Europe and in developing coherence and consistent non-formal education training activities;
- to develop participants’ competence to design, run and evaluate non-formal education and training activities at European level, based on an adequate needs analysis and using appropriate methodologies;
- to explore the notion of quality in non-formal education and training activities and how to apply it;
- to advocate the role of training and non-formal education within the current priorities of European and national youth policies;
- to reflect on the ethical, professional and social implications of working as a trainer in non-formal education;
- to support participants to learn how to guide and facilitate intercultural processes in non-formal education settings;
- to support participants to learn how to manage a non-formal education and training project effectively;
- to reflect on the contribution of non-formal education and training to the development of a human rights culture.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The course was open for applicant from all Council of Europe member states and beyond, mainly neighboring countries. 23 participants were coming from 21 countries.

Training methods used & main activities

Non-formal education methods at the residential seminars and e-learning, mentoring participant-trainers.

Outcomes of the activity

The participants of the TRAYCE course were trainers full-filling the junior trainer criteria for the Youth Departments trainers Pool. At the end of the course, participants developed their competences in designing, organising, running and evaluating non-formal education activities within youth work field.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was a team member.

I worked on this training for 45 days as a full time trainer.

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