TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Welcome! I'm happy to meet you!
Contact me for creative projects on serious issues!
Intercultural facilitator/trainer with 19 years of experience in the field of international non-formal education working in English, German and French, creating bridges between different fields.
I also moderate international conferences on human rights and global issues with an interactive and creative way. And I perform and give workshops as storyteller.
Find me also as a Speaker on MMW VOICES :-)
Margaux Richet has 12 references for past work as a trainer.
intercultural trainer/language facilitator, moderator & storyteller / Speaker on non formal education & human rights issues
More about me:
& Linkedin:
-> Portfolio Storyteller:
- free-lance intercultural trainer and conference moderator (since 2006) :
-> design and facilitation of international youth-exchanges, seminars (EVS, European Solidarity Corps), Training Courses, workshops for multipliers, Partnership Building Activity and transnational cooperations
-> co-creation of interactive formats for events with an expertise on concepts for communication in multilingual setting (on - offline and hybrid) & moderation of events
-> member of Salto Youth, the european network of trainers for the ERASMUS+ Programs:
-> Speaker for MMW Voices, agency for Women* Speakers on contempory issues (since 2024) :
-> Play for Peace certified trainer (since 2017):
-> Member (in 2015) of the AFNB Akademie für neurowissenschaftliche Bildungsmanagement (Academy for Neurosciences, Training and Management) Köln, Germany
cross-cultural skills, diversity awareness, languages, multilingual communication, emotional intelligence, collective intelligence, teambuilding, conflict resolution, languages, experiential learning, voluntary work, youth participation, empowerment, storytelling (intangible heritage our humanity)
political and non formal education, European history and colonialism,human rights, LGBTIQ* rights, advocacy death penalty, inclusion, discriminations (racism, sexism, adultism, ableism,...), inclusion
Methods: my approach has its roots in non formal education, is flexible and adaptable: depending on the topic, the project, the goals, the target groups I use methods, insights and inspirations from experiential learning, outdoor education, from language animation, from Art (theater, dance, music, storytelling, plastic arts, land Art...), from digital pedagogical tools... I am constantly learning and deepening my skills.
• Cooperations / Projects (among others) since 2004
- With Ephra
-> facilitation of workshops (in 2024 and 2025) for children on the topic of conflict within the exhibition "Erinnerungsspuren folgen" (follow Traces of memory) with a focus on the “Kindertransporte” action in 1938/39.
Ephra is a non-profit organization based in Berlin. Ephra designs and implements innovative projects as well as individual offers for partner institutions and clients from culture and education. Ephra acts as an interface to connect children and art and is committed to removing barriers to participation in cultural offerings. Ephra opens up spaces for shared questioning on an equal footing. Ephra is committed to democracy and emotional education through art.
- Part of the Team responsible for the Programme of the SIETAR Europa Congress "The Ecosystem of Interculturalism" in 2024 in France. SIETAR is a non-governmental international organisation in Europe affiliated to the global network of SIETAR Organisations around the world. Its purpose is to encourage the development and application of knowledge, values and skills which enable effective intercultural and interethnic relations at individual, group, organisation and community levels.
- IJAB: facilitation of a Barcamp on safeguardings regulations (against sexual violence) for International Youth Work (Feb. 2023) and of the international Workshop "Protection concepts in international youth work" (30.Nov.2023)
- trixiwiez e.V. facilitor for the BeVisible's training's project, translator for the Women*Visibility*inAction's project, coordinator of the pilot project "FLINTr*Aum: Safer Space for FLINTA* refugees and migrants* for (post)trauma and stress recovery" ( 6 months in 2023)
and trainer for an EU project on transnational migration policies with Palermo
- In the frame of the 8th World Congress agains the Death Penalty in Berlin in NOv. 2022 and in coopration with the organisation ECPM Together against the death penalty:
faciliator/trainer of the international advocacy and youth empowerment project #AbolitionNowTour project (2021-2022) in Morocco, Democratic Republic Congo, Kenya, Lebanon, Indonesia and USA (Texas)
- Europäische Jugendbildungs- und Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar - EJBW ·
(many cooperations between Nov. 2014 and Nov. 2021)
-> facilitation of several modules (a.o. on diversity, me and human rights, groups dynamics, multilinguism, designing workshops) and mentoring in 2020/2021 and in 2021/2022 for the qualification programme »Migrants as Youth Work Professionals: Qualification, Empowerment, Educational Programmes in Rural Areas« as part of the federal program »Demokratie leben!« (about 20 participants from different countries)
About the project:
-> facilitation of one week to three weeks seminars online and offline (on arrival and mid-term seminars) for european volunteers (15 to 25 participants from all over Europe) in the frame of Erasmus+ Programmes: European Voluntary Service and European Solidarity Corps
-> facilitation of EU training courses for trainers (one week long / 15 to 25 participants from all over Europe)
- facilitation of different european seminars (one week long) a.o. on diversity, non formal education and inclusion (15 to 25 participants from all over Europe)
Movie in Serbia 2015:
and in Weimar 2015:
-> moderation of a three-day conference on the topic of ”Youth Work in Context of Shrinking Cities”, in cooperation with CGE Erfut (2.-3. Dec. 2019)
-> facilitation of one week workshops for pupils on human rights issues (15 to 25 participants from Germany)
- Schwarzkopf Stiftung Junges Europa & Junge Islam Konferenz Germany
-> moderation and pedagogical support for events, conferences, strategic processes and workshops (moderation skills, teambuilding)
Video about the Youth Conference "Access to Art for Youth"
- FEZ-Berlin Children, youth and family Center, Germany (2014-2013)
-> Young Voices (United Games) project : teambuilding and intercultural communication (2014-2013)
-> KJP: Moderation for the launching of the Children and Youth Parlament Treptow-Köpenick (2014)
-> facilitation of World Religions workshops for schools (2013-2012)
- Dinara Forum – Dinara L’Ateneu, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2013) European seminars in Bosnia
- ICUnet AG, Germany (2013)
-> Training in Denmark (Cooperation with France)
-Mostar-Friedensprojekt e. V., Germany (2013-2012)
-> Trainings for Trainers in Germany a.o. on the topic of discriminations and racism working with the theater play "The Races" and the second world war period.
- wannseeFORUM, Germany (2014- 2012)
-> Trainings for Youth: schools projects about teambuilding skills and conflict resolution skills
-VIA e. V. - Association for Intercultural Work, Germany and Ghana (2014-2011)
-> Preparation, mid-term and return seminars for international volunteers in Germany, Ghana and Togo
- Campus Naturalis - College for lifelong learning, Germany (2013-2011)
-> Speaker: "intercultural skills, labor market and integration" for the Ida project of the Labor Agency
-> In house training: “intercultural competences for emergency calls for the fire control center” in Berlin
- Culture Goes Europe e.V. (CGE), Germany (2013-2006)
-> facilitation of European seminars in Germany, Portugal and Serbia
- Romanca Society, England (2012)
-> facilitation of a. European training course about Poetry in London
- Mitgestalter e. V., Germany (2012)
-> Intercultural trainer / co-manager for a street project against extreme rights „das öffentliche Wohnzimmer“(the public living-room)
- Wolke auf Reisen e. V., Germany (2012)
-> Outdoor education project with schools
- Cultural center Kulturbrauerei, Berlin, Germany (2011)
-> Pilot project on the topic: „cultural location with intercultural competences” (workshops on night life and racism)
- Berliner Arbeitskreis für politische Bildung e. V., Germany (2005 - 2006)
Office assistant, implementation of intercultural seminars and youth exchanges
- EVS – European voluntary service, Berlin, Germany (2004 - 2005)
-> Volunteer / Trainer - Circus CABUWAZI
I studied international business, humanitarian and social work and geopolitics in France.
I had some working experiences in international companies and NGOs like Amnesty International in San Francisco where I worked for instance for non formal education tools for schools and universities.
As european volunteer in 2004 I came in Berlin to work with children and young people in Circus CABUWAZI. This experience has greatly fostered my knowledge of alternative, playful methods applied to the field of intercultural dialogue, the role of the body in the communication and the power of art to connect people.
Thanks to a cross-cultural trainer from Iran I discovered the field of the intercultural work during a seminar for European Voluntary Service in Weimar, in Germany, in 2005.
I worked and trained then with BAPOB e.V. (Berliner Arbeitskreis für politische Bildung - Berlin working group for civic education) one year long in Berlin to learn the different aspects of non-formal education and international projects.
Since 2006 I've been full-time freelance trainer and conference moderator. I am part of several networks of trainers like Salto or Play for Peace.
Identity, diversity, borders, history and memory, prejudices, invisible cultural differences (perception of time, space...), language inhibitions, migration ...
This profile was last modified on 2025-02-08