Neribota Ateitis

,,Neribota ateitis '' (Unlimited Future ) is a non-governmental, non - profit organization, dealing with non-formal education activities among youth and adults. Purpose of the organization is to carry out exchange programs in Lithuania and to solve problems that are relevant to today's society, based on non-formal education methods in which people from different cultures have the opportunity to share personal experiences, learn to work in teams, to create, to express their views, to reveal their expression ways, learn to believe in themselves, not to be afraid to make mistakes and fully develop on their own.
Organizational values is constant improvement, teamwork, common purpose, to result – informative society, fostering immediate communication, tolerance, self-expression and leadership.
The organization's mission, based on values, is to develop well-rounded personalities, through various forms of expression and methods.

Neribota Ateitis has 5 current projects:

  • Dance it out!

    Nowadays lifestyle is overfilled with stress, tension. Overburning becomes as a rule rather than exception - dance it out!

    We're looking for:
    3 more partners
    Deadline for this partner request:
    This project takes place:
    from 2024-01-01 till 2024-12-31
    and relates to:
    Youth Exchanges
    This project can include young people with fewer opportunities.
  • SIA: Social Inclusion Advocates

    In response to the evolving demographic landscape, "SIA" is a training course to empower youth workers with the skillsto champion social inclusion.

    We're looking for:
    1 more partners
    Deadline for this partner request:
    This project takes place:
    from 2024-10-24 till 2024-10-31
    and relates to:
    Training and Networking
    This project can include young people with fewer opportunities.
  • Together We Thrive

    Together We Thrive is a youth exchange about volunteering and labor market

    We're looking for:
    4 more partners
    Deadline for this partner request:
    This project takes place:
    from 2024-07-06 till 2024-07-14
    This project can include young people with fewer opportunities.
  • Back to Nature!

    KA201 Back to Nature - Empowering Youth with Outdoor Activities

    We're looking for:
    1 more partners
    Deadline for this partner request:
    This project takes place:
    from 2024-10-01 till 2026-10-01
    and relates to:
    Strategic Partnerships
    This project can include young people with fewer opportunities.
  • 3Dimensional Thinkers

    Youth exchange on 3D printing? - mission possible! Let's transform and empower our digital skills

    Partners found!
    This project takes place:
    from 2025-03-12 till 2025-03-21
    and relates to:
    Youth Exchanges
    This project can include young people with fewer opportunities.

Past projects

Inherit our future

Cultural inheritance is proof of our history and a picture of our identity. However, very often we make more damage instead of putting effort to save it.

Brand New You

Youth exchange in Lithuania about self-branding


Youth exchange about critical thinking in Kaunas, Lithuania


Plastic and unrecycled waste is pain of 21st century. Let's come together and solve these problems to create cleaner environment

Babies for Europe

Whole Europe is suffering from demographical crisis. Society is aging which results in further problems in social system. Solution is simple - it's YOU


Coronavirus pandemic - a huge challenge of recent period. For ones it's difficulty, for others - new opportunity - which side you choose?

Digital age

Welcome to the digital era. Recent COVID-19 crisis contributed to the 4th industrial revolution and remote, digital work.

EQ and Mindfulness in Youth Work

Emotional Intelligence and being mindfull is important in any sphere of live, both personal and (youth) work.

This profile has been viewed 1276 times.
Neribota Ateitis

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Neribota Ateitis is

a Non-profit/Non-Governmental Organisation
based in Lithuania (Vilnius/Kaunas)
  • Lithuania Vilnius/Kaunas
focused on
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Art
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Gender equality
  • Health
  • Innovation
  • Integration
  • Music
  • Non-formal learning
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Meetings between young people and decision-makers
Neribota Ateitis in 160 characters:

,,Neribota ateitis '' (Unlimited Future ) is a non-governmental, non - profit organization, dealing with non-formal education activities among youth and adults.

Partner connections

Neribota Ateitis has no connections so far.

Short URL to this project:

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