Issue 10: Dialogue among civilisations

EuroMed Educational Report


After having worked on training courses like "Education and civilisation" or "Common memory,
common heritage" (the 2 reports are available to download just below), Salto-Youth EuroMed with the Greek and Cypriot
Agencies for the Youth in Action programme, have decided to co-organise and to respectively
host this long term process, with the idea that the question of civilisations and dialogue
can surely gain historical, philosophical and geopolitical consistence at the crossroad between
these two countries.
This report relates this long term training course and tries to ensure that within EuroMed area the question of dialogue as a tool for developing
networking and partnership strategy of non formal education between the two sides of the
Mediterranean is a crucial and challenging issue. In other words, to make dialogue among
civilisations become a reality.

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