Issue 8: Let's meet the three cultures

EuroMed Educational Report

The three cultures, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, have been present in Europe since early times. Europe today reflects the rich and intrinsic relations between the cultures along the times, showing in itself meeting points as well as the result of conflicts along the years.

This educational report compiles 4 training courses carried out by Salto-Youth EuroMed on the thematic "The 3 cultures":
- 1st in Cordoba in 2004, the focus was cultural, rather than religious - how was it, how is it and how can it be, using the past as a starting point,
- 2nd in Jerusalem in 2005, due to the uniqueness of the place, the focus was on the history of the city and the three monotheistic religions,
- 3rd in Antwerp in 2006, the Training course was linked to the political power and the communities, the connivance of the communities within a multinational city,
- 4th in Paris in 2007, focusing on laïcité vis-à-vis the three cultures. The challenge was to tackle from the first time the four topics - four cultures living in Paris in peace nowadays.

The four approaches are described and compiled in this educational report to bring you the more complete glance on the three cultures in Euromed context.

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