TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Passionated by inclusion and trusting people, I have alwasy worked (first locally than internationally) in social field.
I am an eclectic an curious person, who never stops learning and looking for new challenges.
Outdoor activities and sports are very powerful.
I am also passionated by theatre and I use it as a learning tool.
I am a group facilitator, trainer of trainers.
giulia pagoni has 5 references for past work as a trainer.
1) special needs teacher in high school (using non formal methods)2) free lance trainer and project manager for local ngos; 3) 10 years volunteering awithin VIEWS INTERNATIONAL AISB (Belgium) promoting ESC for visually impaired young people.
I got in touch with Erasmusplus in every role. I started as participant and than I have been working in it, to increase inclusion.
FROM 2006 TO 2013 for UiCI;
- EVS MENTOR in 2016 for Vicolo Corto (short term and long term EVS, focusing on inclusion)
- PROJECT WRITER for Museo Omero from 2010 to 2013 (Italy)
- SOCIAL EDUCATOR (young people with disability) from 2010 to 2023
- TRAINER OF TRAINERS for UiCI (from 2008 to 2023)
- coach for youth with fewer opportunities (from 2010 to 2023)
- leadership (chairman of VIEWS INTRNATIONAL AISBL (from 2017 to 2023)
- project manager ka2 YOUNG URBAN INCLUSIVE CITY TOURS from 2021 to 2023;
- SPECIAL NEEDS TEACHER IN HIGHT SCHOOL using non formal education from 2018 ongoing.
I have been Always focusing on inclusion for people with disability in the society and in international projects for youth to support them getting new skills and growing in their learning.
1) high school for languages (Ennglish, German, French with formal certifications)
2) educational sciences with focus on inclusion (university of Bologna (thesis about mother with sensory disabilities), university of Verona (thesis on employment for people with disabilities), university of Chieti (thesis on adapted EVS for young people with visual impairment) in Italy, online university ECAMPUS (thesis about inclusive open educational resources) with an erasmus experience in Paedagogische Hochschule in Heidelberg Germany).
I leanrt about intercultural awareness.
University of Macerata (specialization on special education needs teacher with a thesis on story telling as a tool for inclusive education)
During my evs in Spain and working as a youth worker I practiced a lot non formal education and its benefits for young people.
Furthermore, I took part as participant to several salto training courses:
- power of non formal education in 2011;
- mentoring evs in 2011;
- tictac in 2014 about quality projects within Erasmusplus;
- training of trainer in 2015-16.
I met lot of people and learnt from their time and sharing in non formal education.
Very good attitude to work in team, I am a flexible person and I enjoy learning fom each experience. I pay attention during my work to undesrtand people and their specific needs, I like being a coach and help people to find their needs, learning styles and needed resources.
italian (mother tongue)
This profile was last modified on 2024-01-06