This is a reference for Dorit Machell (Fauck)

EuroPeers Go Europe

The training activity took place
in Bremen, Germany
organised by NaturKultur e.V.
November 16-23, 2013

Aims & objectives

EuroPeers are young people who have participated in the Youth in Action/Erasmus+ programme and want to share their experiences with their peers and motivate young people to become active and explore Europe. To this end, they organize various projects and events, including workshops in schools, cultural centers and youth clubs and exhibitions. EuroPeers was founded by the German national agency for the Youth in Action Program 'Jugend für Europa'. Over the last eight years it has been successful in German-speaking Europe. The EuroPeer project has become an example for Best Practice for the European Commission.
The training course 'EuroPeers Go Europe' aimes to bring the project 'EuroPeers' to the European level. The participants connected and developed skills which supports their work as a EuroPeer. This includes workshops on public relations and social media, methods for communication, presentations techniques, information about mobility programmes, applying for fundings, networking, project planning, event management and working in intercultural teams.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The team was composed out of trainers from France, Poland and Germany.
The participants were young people beween 18 to 30 years coming from Poland, Croatia, Sweden, Germany, Spain and Turkey who have had experiences with Youth in Action in the past.

Training methods used & main activities

The training course is based on non-formal education. It uncludes open mic, simulation games, improvisational theatre, open space, mind mapping, team building activities, and various types of group work.

Outcomes of the activity

The events organized after the training course by the individual participants have been shared in an internal blog. Events took place in all participating countries and ranged from small information events to transnational cooperations in designing school workshops. In the long run this training course built the base for a series of international training courses and the implementation of EuroPeers in several National Agencies.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Trainer, co-organizer

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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