This is a reference for Ajsa Hadzibegovic

«Co-management: How does it work?»

The training activity took place
in Palic, Serbia
organised by All different All Equal Serbia
20-26 June 2009

Aims & objectives

To create an opportunity for a wider international group to examine concept of co-management and propose recommendations for its’ further development.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

32 participants from Armenia, Austria,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Croatia, Georgia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, UN protected province Kosovo/a

Training methods used & main activities

Presentations, panel discussions, small groups working, plenary discussions, working in pairs.

Outcomes of the activity

Report “Co-management – How does it work?” published by “Svi razliciti svi ravnopravni”, Belgrade (July 2009)

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Trainer/facilitator, presenter and rapporteur

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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