Bridges Programme
19/1/05 Arrival Day
- PM Arrival, Registration & Check-In
- 19.00 Welcome Evening & Get-to-know
Reception & Dinner
20/1/05 Introductions & Good Practices
- 9.00 Opening and Setting the Frame
- The challenge of recognition in Europe (European Commission)
- Youth work does work! - a life story (YES-Forum)
- Council of Europe and its efforts in recognition (Council of Europe)
- The importance of the recognition of youth work - a concrete example (European Youth Forum)
- 10.30 Press Conference
- 11.00 What's in a word - terminology & concepts in recognition (Lynne Chisholm)
- Different expectations towards recognition - Panel discussion with different stakeholders (youth work, labour market, education, YOUTH programme, local authorities)
- 12.30 Lunch
14.00 Road map: milestones in European recognition - 14.30 Good Practices (round 1): Presentations and Reflections
EuroPass (DG Education & Culture, European Commission)
Electronic Portfolio (SOLCO, Italy)
Competency Records for culture & international activities (BKJ & IJAB, Germany)
Validation of previous experiences (Ministry Youth & Sports, France) - 16.30 Good Practices (round 2): Presentations and Reflections
SALTO EuroMed Training Pass (SALTO EuroMed)
Social Workers' Traineeships in Scouts (Netherlands)
Nefiks (Slovenia)
Personal Record of Achievement for Youth Exchanges and Youth Initiatives (National Agency UK) - 19.00 Dinner
- EVE City discovery: Leuven by night
Cultural Visit: Optional
21/1/05 Good Practices & Needs
- 9.00 Good Practices (round 3): Presentations and Reflections
Youth Worker Portfolio (Council of Europe)
Advanced Training for Trainers in Europe (ATTE) & Recognition (Partnership Youth Worker Training)
Youth Achievement Awards (various countries)
Gender & Violence - Recognition (EYC, Council of Europe) - 11.00 Good Practices (round 4): Presentations and Reflections
European CV (Cedefop)
YOUTH Pass (SALTO Training & Cooperation)
Teacher Training & NGOs (Hajde Da, Serbia)
Recognition in Human Rights Education (EYC, Council of Europe) - 12.30 Lunch
- 14.00 Networking Fair - presenting different initiatives in the field of recognition (by participants)
- 16.00 Different needs towards recognition: stakeholder groups (youth work, youth trainers, education, labour market, National Agencies/Coordinators, European Officials, local & national authorities)
- 19.00 Free Dinner in Town
- EVE free
22/1/05 Hot Issues and Looking to the Future
- 9.00 Summary of the Needs reflections
- Recap of the Terminology & Concepts - Youth Research Partnership
- 10.15-11.30 Hot Issues in the field of recognition (round 1)Introduction to Hot Issues - ECOTEC Inventory of Validation of Non-Formal Learning
Responsibilities and Resources for Recognition - Who takes which role in recognition procedures (young people, youth workers, training institutions, governments,...)? And who pays for it?Transferability of Validation between Sectors - How to get youth work recognised in formal education or by the labour market?Transferability accross Countries and Organisations - How to move with competences gained in one organisation or country to another?How to benefit from each other's good practice?
Social Recognition of Youth Work - How to valorise the youth work sector as a learning provider in society?
The 'Creaming Effect' - Does recognition create opportunities or double disadvantage? - 12.30 Lunch
- 14.00 Hot Issues in the field of recognition (round 2)
Same as above - participants have a second choice - 15.30 Conclusions of Bridges for Recognition and ways forward(by General Rapporteur)
- 16.30 Evaluation & Closing of the event
- 20.00 Goodbye dinner
23/1/05 Departure of participants
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Logic Behind the Programme
The programme (designed by the Bridges Steering Group) addressed the following elements:
- Introductions: Situating 'Bridges for Recognition' and the importance of youth work in providing non-formal learning opportunities to young people
- Clarifications: Shedding light on different concepts and approaches to recognition, unrafling the terminology used
- Illustrations: Presenting some examples of recognition and feedback on them from different perspectives
- 'Hot Issues': Tackling some challenges and controversies regarding recognition of youth work
- Future Options & Perspectives: How can the conclusions from the discussions be complimentary or integrated into existing tools and developments.
- Bridges Fair: Participants will have the space to present recognition and youth work related tools, programmes, events, organisations,...