Building bridges between Youth and different players in Society

SALTO realizes the potential of networking and therefore strives to bring together 'partners' in the field of youth work and training, whether it is at big events such as Bridges for Training, Bridges for Recognition or smaller Trainers Meetings.

Bridging Gaps, Opening Hearts

SALTO-YOUTH, as support for youth workers and national agencies/coordinators within the YOUTH programme finds it important to bring people from different backgrounds together to create understanding and stimulate networking, which is beneficial for setting up international youth projects.

  • In October 2006 the SALTO Inclusion Resource Centre will bring together youth workers and NA staff that are working on inclusion projects with young people with fewer opportunities at the European Inclusion Forum. More >>
  • Bridges for Training (2001) brought together on a large scale trainers developing different training programmes and the persons of the National Agencies responsible for organising training in order to get to know the different players in 'training land' and get an update on the latest developments. More >>
  • Bridges for Recognition (January 2005) brought together different actors from society around the issue of recognising the skills learned by young people in a variety of learning opportunities offered by youth work. Together we can take a few steps further in recognising the potential of young people. More >>
  • The SALTO Training Courses are an ideal occasion, not only to learn about the theme of the course, but also to have some quality interaction with fellow youth workers, and who knows set up future projects. More >>
  • SALTO also organized at different occasions meetings bringing together trainers from different backgrounds and with different experience. e.g. In 2001 and 2002 SALTO organized a common evaluation meeting of the SALTO course offer of that year, but also transcended the mere task of evaluation and used the occasion as a think tank to develop the work of SALTO and make things (even) better. Similarly trainers and projects are invited to the NA's TCP meeting.
  • In the frame of TOY and the NA Network training, SALTO interacts on a regular basis with a variety of trainers. SALTO sends calls for trainers around, discusses Quality issues in training, etc
  • More to come...


  • Bridges for Training 2001Bridges for Training 2001
  • Networking all partnersNetworking all partners
  • Building on best practicesBuilding on best practices
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