TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
My experience as a trainer started in Kosovo where I run artistic projects involving Roma youngsters. Since then, I worked for various organizations in the field of art, youth & human rights. I believe in the power of culture in (re)connecting youth with their ideal-self and dreams. Being a trainer is an amazing journey, full of inspiration and learnings. I see my role as a "designer of complex learning spaces": safe & supportive, reflective & creative. Spaces where heart, body and mind connect.
Charlotte Bohl-Mustafa has 3 references for past work as a trainer and added 1 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.
full time free lance trainer
Trainer / Facilitator
Nov 2014- current
-Training Preparation for short term work placement abroard (disadvantaged urban youth), 4 days / 20 participants, Palaiseau (FR), March 2015
-Take Off: Art&Culture as a lever for youth professional inclusion, 30 days / 12 participants, Lyon (FR), Nov 2014
*Youth workers
-Dream Catchers, a European training course for youth worker working with disadvantaged youth, 4 days / 28 participants, May 2015
-Counselling for European project development, 5 days, March-June 2015
-Counselling for Grundtvig project’s final report, 3 days, March 2014
*Art & Culture
1. Information
-Input & facilitation, working group European network for cultural Incubators, May 2015
-Input on Strategic partnerships for cultural actors & Article on Erasmus+ for the guide to funding opportunities Being creative beyond creative Europe, April–May 2015
-Input and speed consulting sessions for on EU funding opportunities (Erasmus + Creative Europe, Citizen for Europe, etc), in Lyon, Saint-Etienne, Grenoble (FR), 2014-2015
2. Long term counselling / consulting (2014-current)
-Consulting - design and writing of the project proposal Take in / Take Off, a 2 years KA2 strategic partnership –supported with 250k€, Erasmus + Youth
-University Lyon 2 KA1, Erasmus + High Education
3. Higher education
European studies institute, Paris 8, ENSATT and University Lyon2 - Courses delivered on several subject such as: Project management, European cultural networks, Participatory artistic projects & community development (2013-2015)
Banlieues d’Europe European Cultural network
Executive director
Jan 2012 - Oct 2014
Coordination of large-scale European events (conference, workshops, seminars) & management of cooperation projects such as:
-Youth inclusion though cultural projects - Youth in Action 4.1 (8k€)
-UrbART, participatory artistic projects disadvantaged (sub) urban neighbourhoods in Europe - Youth in action, 4.3 (20k€)
-Take Off, a 5 years international project focused on art as a lever for youth professional inclusion European social fund - 90 youth involved (annual budget 40k€)
-Partner of 7 Steps, Network of Urban dance - EU Culture programme 2007-2013 (global budget 400k€)
-Partner of Accept Pluralism, a 3 years research project - EUDG7 (1.2 million €)
Council of Europe France
Support team of the Special Representative for the Roma issues
Sept 2011-Jan 2012
Assistant program manager ROMED program / Intercultural Mediation for Roma communities- Coordinator Launch of the Dosta campaign in Kosovo “Go beyond prejudices, meet the Roma”
Freelance for several NGOs
Balkan Sunflowers , Romawood , Gaia, Zones IMAGeIN’AIR
Project Manager - Kosovo - Dec 2008 – Sept. 2012
-Art in action, International training course, Human Rights creative campaign
-Rolling Film Festival, films made by & about Roma Edition 2009 and 2011- audience 3000 people
-National Television of Kosova (RTK) Yehkipe, Roma program 2X2 Production of TV reports
-Never Back Home - Documentary film about the situation of RAE minorities living in IDP camp
-RomArt - Roma artistic youth exchange France, Germany, Kosovo
-Zoni - European young cinema Festival - open-air - Edition 2009 and 2010 - audience 2000 people
2014-2015 : Training of Trainers for European Erasmus+ Youth EU-Salto youth / Erasmus + National Agencies - 9 month
MOOC - University of San Diego, USA - Learning how to learn - 6 weeks
MOOC - Social entrepreneurship and social entreprise - HEC, Paris - 7 weeks
Study session : Audiovisual and Media Literacy Skills - Council of Europe ECYC Budapest
Volunteer work
Board member of AADN, Lyon (FR)
Special adviser of Romawood Kosovo
Producer of Documentary film Nakhino, (Cottbus Discovery Award 2014)
Adviser for several NGOs (Fr & KS) on specific projects : TV.Community., Tallava Passion, RomaRoad
Self-directed learning: graphic facilitation, ukulele, yoga, dance
Formal education :
Master2 degree “Politics and Cultural project Management in Europe”.
European Studies Institute, IEE Paris 8 University.
Bachelors “Artistic and Cultural projects managment”; Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne,
Bachelors in Economics; Erasmus - Södertörns högskola / Stockholm - Université Nancy 2.
Ukulele, Graphic design, Yoga,
Topics adressed: Social Inclusion, Anti-Racism, Intercultural Learning
Find more training tools in the SALTO Toolbox for training.
This profile was last modified on 2016-01-03