TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Antonela Kotsoni has 3 references for past work as a trainer.
Full time as Learning facilitator and project manager. Part time as a freelancer.
I realized lately I have over 150 hours of training experience behind my back - it is amazing to see how these hours have been spent without me even knowing, as they were hours of exploring a passion.
I have been a trainer and a facilitator in different contexts, from social entrepreneurship, employability, digital youth work, soft skill, team management, conflict management etc. with all kinds of target groups, children, teenagers, young people, adults even, seniors, ethnic minorities (refugees and migrants) and people with disabililities. In 2018, I decided to take a more structured approach in my training path, so I joined the ToT seminar which led me to also being a member of the National pool of trainers of the Greek NA.
I work full time with the NGO InterMediaKT, which is all about innovating in e-learning and digital education. This kind of experience and expertise was amplified, during the lockdown created by the pandemic, so I was selected as the digital director of the COMETS team which will run digitally for the first time in September 2020.
I like to say fate brought it, but in reality it was also my goal as I am slowly moving into a combination of ICT tools and non formal learning methods, let's see how that turns out.
A list of relevant training courses from the near past is:
- Social bus (InterMediaKT)
- Soft skills academy (EESTEC Patras)
-Replay (Italian NA)
- EEFEct (InterMediaKT)
- Re-startup (Pos4work)
- Patras Junior Codecamp (InterMediaKT)
- Quarantine webinars (InterMediaKT)
- Mobilize volunteers (Greek NA)
- Peer support (Greek NA)
- Competition "Why volunteering" (Greek NA)
Started off with studies on pedagogy, when my attention was swiftly attracted by intercultural learning, where I decided to do my bachelor thesis. After finishing university, I started exploring the world of Youth in action (still called such), when I submitted my first project proposal for a training course on...intercultural education. My first and probably most nervous and intense training experience was called Interprise and it became best practice! Meanwhile, I had joined a Masters on Culture, Communication & Globalization. A study program in Denmark, which turned out to be completed in three different countries (USA & Peru). I took the specialization of migration and ethnic relations, being unease with the migrant crisis which was affecting particularly the Mediterranean back then. Doing an internship at the UN, made me feel entirely powerless, that is why I turned to the civil society. Being alert on social justice, I was selected as Humanity in action fellow of 2018 and I joined a cohort of like minded people in Strasbourg and mainly Detroit. We still keep our cooperation open till today. Meanwhile, I am also trying to explore other fields, like psychology and coaching, but most importantly lately, autum 2019, I entered a theatrical club, in an attempt to learn more about my body, the body an its implications as a learning tools in space and time, an initiative which was abruptly discontinued due to Covid-19.
This profile was last modified on 2020-07-28