What is evaluation? FROM THE CD ROM

Evaluation means the process of judging the quality, importance, amount or value of something. This section goes into the crucial questions: What are we evaluating for? Who is interested in the evaluations? How do we take away the fear of evaluation?

Here we are talking about evaluating training courses within the YOUTH Programme. 

This discussion is a contribution to an even wider debate about the place of non-formal education in Europe and how to define and measure quality within it.  For further info, see Bridges for Recognition and CEDEFOP

Clearly these are very complex issues and we shall be looking at them from a very practical point of view and trying to see how evaluation can help ensure quality in training courses.

In this section we go into the crucial questions: What are we evaluating for? Who is interested in the evaluations? And importantly, how do we take away the fear of evaluation, because fear there certainly is.


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