TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
I am a trainer and organisational developer with a focus on diversity, working full time in youth work and non-formal education for more than 10 years, with a focus on participation, empowerment and migration.
You can expect me to bring lots of energy and playfulness, inputs on radical diversity, to ask challenging questions, provide space for deep reflection and a loud laugh.
Manina Ott has 3 references for past work as a trainer.
Freelance trainer and organisational developer focusing on diversity
My focus since 2014 has been migration and inclusion, especially focusing on participation and needs of young refugees and migrants.
I have worked as a youth worker on the local and regional level with youth workers, volunteers, kids and young people with a refugee/migration experience. I worked mainly with free play, adventure education, theatre and movement methods (hence the playfulness in my work as a trainer). I have experience in advocacy work, especially within the topic of migration, where my skills of listening deeply and putting thoughts and ideas into action where honed.
Lately I have been combining these experiences with the approach of radical diversity and deep reflective learning processes, including storytelling, body work and creative methods into my work.
Recent trainings include working on topics like international youth work in times of war; advocacy & queerness, post-migrant societies, contemporary Jewish perspectives in Germany and combining dreaming with social change.
I hold a MA degree in Eastern European Studies and a BA in Arts Management. In both degrees I have leaned heavily into art as a universal language that highlights community rather than difference and have participated and organized various international non-formal education projects especially in Eastern Europe. I completed the Training of Trainers (ToT 2022/23) and am a certified systemic coach and organisational developer. In addition to this my main informal education has been to talk to people and listen to their needs - especially working with marginalised groups.
This profile was last modified on 2024-01-22