TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Elisabeth Hanzl
Aims and Objectives in detail (developed at the prep meeting in June)
1.1. participants have a good understanding of youth work
1.2. participants know what violent extremism is - definition of different types of v.e.; causes of violent extremism
1.3. participants know about concepts, measures, stages and definitions of prevention (of violence)
2.1. participants have gained an understanding of the documented youth work of the project (previous seminar of this project)
2.2. participants have contributed to the platform (of the project)
2.3. participants have used the documented youth work to formulate and share key messages on youth work
2.4. participants are able to contextualise the information within their level/context/outreach
2.5. participants are prepared and empowered to interact with policy makers
2.6. participants have had the opportunity to see and exchange with local youth organisations and youth clubs about the topic (study visit)
2.7. participants had the chance to interact with EU policy makers
2.8. participants have developed next stops/further follow-up actions within their own contexts/realities/outreach
2.9. participants have gained new contacts and networks
3.1. participants have a clear understanding of ECYCs (organiser) work
3.2. participants know about ECYCs strategic work plan
3.3. participants have knowledge of ECYCs policy paper recommendations on the role of youth work in the prevention of violent extremism
3.4. participants have brainstormed and exchanged ideas on how to implement the recommendations
Team of trainers/facilitators:
- trainer/facilitator and youth worker from Ireland
- trainer/facilitator and youth policy officer from Hungary
- trainer/facilitator and youth worker from Romania
- trainer/facilitator from Austria (me)
Group of participants: the group was very diverse and international, participants came from member states of the Council of Europe (CoE)
-> non-formal learning activities such as: role plays, creative and arts, self-reflection tools
-> group facilitation methods such as: world café, carousel / speed-dating, ... etc.
# multiplication of ECYCs strategic priorities
# design and action planning for follow-up projects and campaigns (among participants)
# awareness and competences of participants to address the topic of prevention were raised
Background information on the project:
- full-time trainer
- responsible for: group dynamics, methods, design and implementation of the programme,