TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
I am active as a free- lance trainer since 1998 and I have been involved in many seminars and training courses both at the local and at the European level.
My interest area especially covers intersectionality, antidiscrimination issues, hate speech, as well as human rights education and advocacy.
Recently I have started to deal more and more with the “participatory evaluation”.
Barbara Giovanna BELLO has 3 references for past work as a trainer and added 3 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.
Researcher and free- lance Trainer
For more details, contact me and I will send my updated and detailed C.V.
Trainer's profile
Padova, Italy, 2009-2011, Long Term Project "Through Empowerment to Inclusion: tools and methods of non formal education for so-defined minority youth". My role: co-trainer and coordinator;
Copenhagen, Denmark, 15 - 20 March 2011,
Value the Difference - Cross Community, organized by Salto Cultural Diversity and the Danish National Agency. My role: co-trainer;
Milano, 9-10 May 2011, Noi Protagonisti. Young people, citizens and...volunteers?, organized by CESES. My role: co-trainer;
Milano, 3-4 April 2009, I.D.E.M. Project (Intercultural and Democracy in an European Milan), organized by CESES. My role: co-trainer;
Birmingham, 17th-24th May 2008, "TC EMpower-Empower women from Minorities"( My role: Co-trainer;
Budapest 9th -17th April 2008, Training Course on “Gender Based Violence”, Council of Europe, Directorate of Youth and Sport, Educational Advisor: Annette Schneider. My role: Co-trainer;
21st - 28th April 2007 Belfast, Northern Ireland "Faith & Dialogue Training Course”, organized by SALTO Cultural Diversity Resource Center;
24th February-3rd March 2007, Durres (Albania), TC on Human Rights Education;
2nd -7th October 2006, Mollina (Spain), Training Course “Human Right Education and Intercultural Learning Euro-med”, within the 7th University on Youth and Development, Ceulaj, in cooperation with Yap Ngo. My role: co-trainer;
3rd -10th September 2006 , Padova (Italy), "Crossroads 06: ", international seminar on multiple discriminations and models of multicultural society, in cooperation with the Municipality of Padova, supported by the European Commission. My role: project manager and co-trainer;
28th April – 4th May 2006, Tirana (Albania), “Getting connected in Albania”, organised by "Beyond the Borders", supported by European Commission. My role: co-trainer;
9th -16th January 2006, Oradea (Romania), "Strengthening the role of Ngos in the implementation of youth policies in CEE, SEE countries and Caucasus”, in cooperation with the University of Oradea, Youth Board of Cyprus, M.T.P. Romania, supported by the Coe. My role: resource person;
23rd-31st July 2005, Padova: "Wo-man 05", international Training Course on gender based violence in the multicultural society, supported by the Italian National Agency "Youth". In cooperation with the Municipality of Padova. My role: Project Manager and trainer;
2004-2001, Treviso-Padova-Vicenza (Veneto Region): organisation of roundtables and intensive workshops focused on women's, children's and migrants' rights, in cooperation with local Authorities and Ngos. My role: multiplier and project manager;
October 2001, Cyprus: "Role of Ngos in conflict resolution", member of the Training Team, Yeu-Cyprus;
October 2001, Padova (Italy): coordinator and trainer of the international Training Course on EU programmes and youth policy, Progetto Giovani (Municipality of Padova);
June 2001, Venezia (Italy): coordinator of the Israeli delegation's visit of the Ministry of Culture at the Veneto Region (Social Affairs Department), in cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
May 2001, Venezia (Italy): coordinator of the governamental Singapore delegation's visit at the Veneto Region (Social Affairs Department), in cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
May 2001, Venezia- Padova (2001): coordinator of the German delegation (Bayerische Jugendzentrum) in visit to the Municipality of Padova (Department of Social Affairs);
August 2000, Quern (Germany): organizer and trainer of the international twin-seminar (Youth, bordes and rights in daily life);
June 2000, Sharm el Sheik, Valtur Village New Tower: coordinator of the Incentive Meeting of Roncato Entreprise's staff;
July 1999, Dublin (Ireland): project manager and trainer of the international twin-seminar "Human rights in conflict areas", in cooperation with the Gleencre Centre of Reconciliation;
August 1998, Evora (Portugal): member of the animation team in the multilateral twin-exchange "Youth and art 4 Europe";
Other activites:
2005-2007: Law trainee and Bar Vocational Course. expertise Field: Antidiscrimination, Migration, Refugee.
For more details, contact me and I will send my updated C.V. ;)
1) Formal Education:
PostGrad: Research on discrimination against minorities in Germany and Italy.
Law Degree, Insubria University, Como, Italy.
Degree Thesis: "European Antidiscrimination Legislation in the Enlarged Europe: different approaches and implementation strategies";
Research Interests: discriminations, multiculturalism, minorities and their interactions, gender, active citizenship, non formal education, migration;
A.A. 1999/2000: Erasmus programme, Faculty of Law/Juristische Fakultaet , Bayerische Julius- Maximilians- Universitaet Wuerzburg (Germany);
- Participation to several seminars and Summer Schools:
22 June- 10 JuLy 2009: Multi-Disciplinary and Cross-National Approaches to Romany Studies - A Model for Europe,
October- CEU University;
November 2006, Roma (Italy), The European Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe, organised by Unione per i Diritti dell’Uomo;
2006, University Residencial Centre Bertinoro (Italy): The Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe, University of Bologna, Université Robert Schuman, King's College London;
March 2006, Como: Islam-Europa/Europa-Islam, Università dell’Insubria;
March 2006, Milano: "Economic process in the U.E. "- Winter School, by ISPI-Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionali and Bocconi University;
March 2006, Milano: Pariteia Project- Male partecipation to Female mainstreaming, by European Movement;
February 2006: Eurodiversity Conference, by Feem -Eni Foundation;
October- December 2005, Varese: Women, Policy, Institutions:promotion of women in the political decision making processes, by Italian Ministry of Equal Opportunity;
2005, Milano:Training Course for operators in peniteniaries, by Opera San Fedele -
(followed by the practical volunteer service in penitentiaries);
2005, Rimini: S.S.A.S, Summer School on Adriatic Studies, University of Bologna;
2005, Urbino: European Third Sector School, University of Bologna and Urbino;
2005, Como: Summer School of Comparative Law, University of Lousiana, Bologna and Como;
2005, Como: Multiculturalism, different perspectives, University Insubria;
2005, Brescia: Global Law vs Local law, University of Brescia and Italian Association of Comparative Law;
2005, Rimini: Peace is a child: paths of mediation, University of Bologna;
2004, Milano:Mediation in Youth penitentiaries, Cattolica University;
2004, Milano:International defence of children, Bicocca University;
2004, Como: Summer School of Comparative Law, University of Lousiana, Bologna and Como;
2004, Parma: Children exploitation and childhood conditions in the world, by the Assessorship for Health and Social Affairs and Missioni Comboniane (Padre Alex Zanotelli);
2001, Greifswald (Germany), 41. Internationalen Hochschulferienkurs fuer Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, Ernst- Moritz- Arndt- Universitaet Greifswald, Institut fuer Deutsche Philologie- (Scholarship);
2) Non Formal Education
Training Course “Frauen und Macht –ein seltenes Paar” (Tr: Women and Power: a strange couple), Heinrich Boell Stiftung.
23rd -25th November 2006, EYC Budapest (Hungary): Young People and Active European Citizenship- organised in the framework of the Partnership on Research in the Youth Field between the Council of Europe and the European Commission;
March 2006, Lubljana(Slovenia) : "Equality in action- defining equal opportunities and active participation of minority youth in Europe", in cooperation with the Coe;
2005, EYC Budapest: Management and organisation in Ngos-Focus on EU programmes;
2004, Milano: Management of Cultural events and congresses, Team Management (Scholarship);
2004, Como: Training Course on cultural mediation, C.S.V. Como;
2004, EYC Strasbourg: Training Course organised by Council of Europe, Working in international organisations;
2004 Berlin: Training Course R.E.L.I.C. on theatre tecniques and phisical theatre in conflict areas (focus Balkan area);
2004, EYC Budapest: Training Course organised by the Council of Europe, on Gender based violence;
2001, Estonia: International Convention "Role on Youth Ngos in Europe enlargement process";
2001, Malta: Seminar "Drums for peace";
2001, Gdansk (Poland): Short Study Visit "Young people in rural areas" Italian and Polish National Agency;
2000-2001, Padova: Training Course "Barone Rampante", promotion and management of responsible tourism structures and events, by C.T.G. Veneto;
2000, Padova-Milano, EU Commission: member of the Pilot programme "Passaparola", promotion of Youth Programme in Europe;
1999-2000, Padova: various TC on the organisation of campains, EU programmes, international seminars on human rights and EU youth policy;
3) Artistic Skills:
2006, Como: 3- year- Performing School -Teatro Sociale/ASLICO- Certificate;
1980-2006: Classic Dance, Stages of Laban and Duncan dance, contemporary dance, Feldenkreis and theatre with Sonia Amicucci, Pietro Coerezza, Anna Maria Papandrea, Roberto Anglisani, Mario Bianchi, Daniele Braiucca (Elidan), Letizia Dradi, Paola Testoni, Ginevra Sanguigno (Patch Adams Ngo), Stephan A. Shtereff, Dragana Alfirevic and Dejan Garbos (Craft Theatre), Julia Varley (Odin Theatre),Kabaret Wagon (Else Marie Laukvik, Magnus Errboe, Mia Theil Have, Karin Sjöholm).
mother tongue: Italian
Topics adressed: Social Inclusion, Anti-Racism, Intercultural Learning, Personal Development, Gender issues
Topics adressed: Intercultural Learning
Topics adressed: Social Inclusion, Anti-Racism, Intercultural Learning, Personal Development, Gender issues
Find more training tools in the SALTO Toolbox for training.
This profile was last modified on 2019-08-07