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Youth Program "Table game"

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To check knowledge about Youth Program
To provide basic information about Youth Program
To have fun

Description of the tool

We divide participants into groups of 4. We introduce game plan, where aim is to go from start to finish. Each group goes through different fields (basic information, Action 1, Action2 ...). On each field (starting with first of course) group is asked question related to the topic of the field. If they answer correct, they go to next field, and next group plays. If not, they have to choose random task which they have to fulfill first and then they move to next field.

Examples of questions:
Basic information
1. What is the target group of the Youth program?
2. What are the deadlines for the youth program?
3. What does the symbol mean?
4. Explain the words connected with youth program on the game plan
Youth for Europe
5. What is age limit for the group leader in Youth exchanges?
6. How many countries you need for multilateral youth exchange?
7. In which case can the EVS volunteer do the EVS two times?
8. Can you do EVS in Brazil?
Youth Initiatives
9. When is the latest age and time to apply for future capital?
10. How much money can you ask for?
11. Can you open a business as a future capital?
12. How long can your project last?
Support measures
13. Can an EVS volunteer take part?
14. What is the aim of Action 5?

Examples of tasks:
1. Bring a glass of water from nearby well (or sth else connected with surrounding)
2. Create a statue of dissapointed elephant that you have 4 feet and 8 hands on the ground (group of 4 people)
3. Change one piece of your cloth between each other
4. Put the whole tomato into your mouth and eat it (can be one volunteer in group)
5. Learn to sing one part of the Slovak song „Pod Horou“ (or other song of country you are in)
6. Brush your teeth
7. Try to say tongue twister „Pštros so pštrosicou a malými pštrosíèatami išli na pštrosí ples“ (there are also some good english ones, but with not so known languages it is more funny)
8. All members of the group have to speak non-stop 30 seconds about the Youth program
9. Other group will give a task

You can have a lot of modifications with the questions (you can ask more questions at the same field), adding fields or changing tasks. But we recommend to keep tasks short and funny to keep dynamics of the game.
Handouts after the game would be appreciated.

Available downloads:


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

6 - 16

and addresses

Youth Initiatives, Voluntary Service, YOUTH in ACTION (YiA) programme

Materials needed:

Game plan
List of questions
List of tasks


1 - 1,5 h

Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Tomáš Pešek (on 1 August 2006)

and last modified

17 December 2008

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