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YOUTH+AGAINST DEPRESSION! E-booklet on Mental Health

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This e-booklet is a product of Erasmus+ youth exchange “YOUTH+ AGAINST DEPRESSION!” which
took place in Estonia (Narva and Narva-Jõesuu) on
September 23-30, 2016.

Aims of the tool

The project mission was
to explore non-formal methods preventing mental health problems among youngsters.

Description of the tool

Many aspects of today’s society can be bad news for the mental health of young people. As they develop, they face challenges and pressures in numerous aspects of their lives. In order to cope with them, youngsters need to have certain life skills developed for their future wellbeing.
We hope that this tool will inspire you for further similar actions and help you make a project on the topic of mental health on your own.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

 YOUTH+AGAINST DEPRESSION! E-booklet on Mental Health

This tool addresses

YOUTH in ACTION (YiA) programme

It is recommended for use in:

Youth Exchanges

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

The e-booklet was created by Olga Lutška (Narva Kesklinna gümnaasium, Estonia), Zrinka Hafizović (Grad Sisak, Croatia) and Alexandra Morvayova (SYTEV, Slovakia) - youth leaders of the youth exchange YOUTH+ AGAINST DEPRESSION!

in the context of


The tool has been experimented in

Youth Exchange YOUTH+AGAINST DEPRESSION! taken place in Estonia, Narva. September 23—30, 2016

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Olga Lutska (on 23 May 2017)

and last modified

4 January 2017

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