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Simulation Exercise, Exercise, Group Building Activity

You(th) Stand UP! Entrepreneurship educational training Model

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You(th) Stand UP! Educational Training Model lasts for 45 hours and foresees the realisation of activities (games) for the development/improvement of the following competences: DECISION MAKING - COMMUNICATION - TEAM WORKING - ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET

Aims of the tool

You(th) Stand UP! Educational Training Model” and You(th) Stand UP! Assessment, which in line with European priorities will aim to improve the quality of youth workers' work and to increase active social inclusion for young people, and their entrepreneurial spirit.

Description of the tool

You(th) Stand UP! Educational Training Model lasts for 45 hours and foresees the realisation of activities (games) for the development/improvement of the following competences: DECISION MAKING - COMMUNICATION - TEAM WORKING - ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET
Each Competence is then associated with abilities and games for the development/improvement of the competence; for the verification of the process of educative path, relevant behaviours have been identified for each competence/ability.

Objectives of the educative model are:
the reinforcement of the entrepreneurial competences of the Youth Workers and of those who at different levels and title work in the third sector(volunteers and professionals);
the development of the entrepreneurial competences of the youth (in particular of those who are mainly at risk of social and economic exclusion)

You(th) Stand UP! Assessment explore, identify and evaluate the 4 key competences - DECISION MAKING - COMMUNICATION - TEAM WORKING - ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET - and the abilities linked to them through role plays games. The aim of the instrument is to focus and foster the emerging of the awareness and self-efficacy of the entrepreneurial competences of the Youth Workers through the simulation of real situations in which the participant could play, time by time, different roles of the world of social entrepreneurship.
The evaluation focuses on the competences and knowledges activated during the simulation of specific situation, evaluating how they have been reached and which results they have produced.

The 2 Output have been designed to be transferable to other contexts, adapted or adopted by third parties to the needs of their target territories and target groups, without any aggravating costs or sums to invest.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

You(th) Stand UP! Entrepreneurship educational training Model

This tool is for

Youth workers

and addresses

Social Inclusion, Youth Initiatives, Youth Participation

It is recommended for use in:

Strategic Partnerships

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Associazione Patatrac (Italy), Studio Erresse (Italy), AIM (Belgio), Cyclisis (GR), Synthesis (CY)

in the context of

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Paola Maciariello (on 14 July 2020)

and last modified

22 January 2020

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