Toolbox — For Training and Youth Work
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Introducing Youthpass as a tool for documenting learning
. To introduce Youthpass.
· To support the group in gaining an insight into non-formal learning.
· To introduce a useful grid that they can use in everyday practice.
“It is a tool to recognise the learning gained by par ticipating in a European Voluntary Service
experience. It recognises non-formal learning.
Youthpass helps you track and describe what you have done in your European Voluntary Service project. It helps you link this learning to a set of competences. Mentors follow and help facilitate the volunteer’s learning process. It helps to establish clear and achievable learning objectives. With Youthpass, you can record learning in any way you choose. It can also be a method for reflecting on your learning at regular intervals during the activity.
Ask the group to brainstorm to find ways of recording the learning.
Then, show them how previous European Voluntary Service (EVS) participants have recorded their
learning i.e. a blog, a journal, photo album, etc.
Introduce and explain the term ‘non-formal learning’ (NFL).
“What is non-formal learning? Non-formal learning is voluntary, is assisted by others and is planned.”
Break the group into smaller groups and ask them to brainstorm to find examples of non-formal
learning in their lives. Report back to the whole group.
Start a discussion with the group about the
importance of finding time in their lives for reflection, evaluation and recording of these NFL moments. Ask the group to reflect on what they want to learn from their EVS experience. Move the discussion from the general to the specific. Give
participants some time to reflect on their own first, and then ask them to pair up with another
participant to share their thoughts. In the final stage, move everyone back into the bigger group and share conclusions in plenary.
Introduce the ‘evaluation of learning’ sheet (see handout below). Ask the participants to fill out this
sheet (on their own). If they have already been on their EVS for a couple of weeks, they can use
examples from that. If they have only just arrived for their EVS, they can use experiences from their
Ask the group if they found using the grid useful and why? Ask if any volunteers would like to share
what they wrote with the bigger group.
Explain the Youthpass process simply and briefly. There will be more time to cover Youthpass in
greater detail in the EVS mid-term training session. Mention that their mentor will be their guide and
show them that they can download extra material on Youthpass from
SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.
This tool is for
· Max 25 people
and addresses
Youth Initiatives
It is recommended for use in:
Youth Exchanges
Materials needed:
· Evaluation grid (printout)
· Pens
· Computer, data projector and internet to show the Youthpass website and online resources
· 60-90 mins
The tool was created by
Deirdre Quinlan
in the context of
Handbook Youthpass Unfolded
The tool was published to the Toolbox by
Ayoub Intern (on 13 October 2015)
and last modified
7 October 2015
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