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Simulation Exercise


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To explore cultural differences and our emotions/behaviors when we meet differences; to find constructive ways of dealing with/preventing conflicts arised from differences;

Description of the tool

Now, we'll do simulation game. First, you need to divide into three groups (trainer should divide the groups - perhaps by drawing lots out of a hat with papers with blue, red and green signs). Sit with your group.

OK, simulation can start. You will all listen first at general instruction, then you'll work in small groups for a while and get specific instructions.

On the occasion of new courses in youth policies in the world, delegations from all countries came to participate World Student Conference with name: «Students' Movement and Building Democracy».
After you came to the airport, organisers of the conference are waiting for you and direct you into the Main Hall to meet other two delegations with whom you are supposed to cooperate closely during the conference. During that meeting, your task will be to choose 5 persons in total who will represent your 3 delegations in the Main board of the conference. So out of the three groups, only 5 people can be chosen to represent you.

Now, please go with your group in separate rooms and I’ll come with specific instructions. You'll have about 30 –40 minutes for small group work.

In small groups they got papers with characteristics of their culture.
Your task is to read carefully those characteristics and to get into the roles. You should represent all characteristics of your culture not by talking of them but through behavior, way of touching/or not touching people, way of talking etc. Make costumes, give yourselves names and practice being in your culture.
You also should decide on the strategy of choosing those 5 representatives and how many representatives from your group you want (it can be none or it can be all 5 persons).
Be aware of your emotions when you meet the others and the way they treat you.

Simulation 1: All three delegations are gathered in big room.
Welcome...etc. Please, start the meeting. You should choose 5 representatives for main board.

Simulation can last about 15 min (depends of process, can be little bit shorter or longer). It should be stopped before they agree.

Stop the simulation.

OK, now you’ll have to fill in the questionnaires within your small group.
Filling the questionnaires (15 min)
Back in the big room.

Now, we’ll read questionnaires (15 min). Just listen, we will not discuss anything in this moment.

Now, when you heard two other cultures maybe something has changed. Go in your small group and discuss new strategy (if there is one), concerning agreement and behavior. You‘ll have 5 min for that.
Then we’ll meet here and have another meeting.

Second meeting – simulation. Lasting about 10 minutes.


Sharing and discussion (whole group): 30 - 60 min
Everybody should say (circle): How did you feel during the exercise? Your main impression, main insight?
Discussion, comments, giving handouts.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

15 - 30 people

and addresses

Intercultural Learning, Personal Development

Materials needed:

flipchart, A4 papers, tapes, coloured crepe paper in at least 3 colours that can be used for costume making, some clothes, props (glasses, jewellery, hats, scarves).


180 min

Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Marija Farmer (on 14 September 2003)

and last modified

17 December 2008

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