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Ice-breaker, Group Building Activity, Name Game/Get to know each other


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The tool was created by a group of youth workers in frames of a training course about game creation to make the elarning processes more effective.

Aims of the tool

Objectives: teambuilding, icebreaking, brain stimulation, improving hand-eye coordination
and reflex, increasing the energy level

Description of the tool

Players: 5 - 12
→ The warm up phase:
- players standing in a circle, facing the middle
- one player (the facilitator) holds one ball and has a bag or a basket with the rest of the balls in front of them
- the facilitator says the name of another person in the circle and throws the ball towards this person
- the next person says the name of another person in the circle and throws the ball towards that person, and so on
- it’s important to remember the name of the person that you throw to!
- after throwing the ball to someone else the player crosses their arms on the chest
- players keep saying names and passing the ball between each other (every time crossing their arms on the chest after having thrown the ball to another person)
- you cannot throw the ball to a person with their arms crossed on the chest
- the last person without their arms crossed throws the ball to the facilitator
- the warm up phase has ended
- everyone should remember the person they threw the ball to
→ The game phase:
- each player takes one ball
- the group decides who will give the signal to start every time
- the task is to synchronize and throw all the balls at the same time
- each person throws a ball to the same person as in the warm up phase
- during the game players don’t cross their arms on the chest
- the ultimate challenge is to throw all the balls and catch all the balls, so the balls should exchange the places, and no ball should be on the ground
- the group can count how many times in a row they manage to exchange all the balls without dropping even one ball
- the group can decide what score they would like to achieve (for example: 5 times in a row without any drop)
- the group can choose one person who will be responsible for counting the score
→ Possible variations:
- throwing with both hands, catching with both hands
- throwing with the right hand, catching with both hands
- throwing with the left hand, catching with both hands
- throwing with the right hand, catching with the left hand
- throwing with the left hand, catching with the right hand
- throwing with the right hand, catching with the right hand
- throwing with the left hand, catching with the left hand


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

Age: 12+

and addresses

Group Dynamics

It is recommended for use in:

Training and Networking

Materials needed:

Materials: juggling balls (or other balls suited to the palm size of the players, easy to throw and catch with one hand)
- as many balls as players
- preferably the balls in different colours

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

A group of youth workers

in the context of

Training Course about Game Creation

The tool has been experimented in

The project “Game in Action” is co-funded by the Polish National Agency in the framework of Erasmus+ Programme. Project reference number: 2020-1-PL01-KA105-079836.

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Hermine Papikyan (on 3 April 2022)

and last modified

2 February 2022

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