Toolbox — For Training and Youth Work
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This activity takes the principles of resonance leadership and coaching and brings them together in order to create a real plan of change for youth leaders.
Encourage youth leaders to become more self-aware;
Support youth leaders in the process of creating a personal development/learning plan for their lives;
Encourage them to find support and inspiration in the people around;
Help them to discover ways to overcome challenges
Guide them in the process of identifying helpers in applying their plan of change;
The activity is based on reflection groups that work together on a daily basis. The final result “The Olive Tree” or the “Path of Change” is presented in the last day of the training course, based on reflection and work done in previous days.
1. On first day, each participant reflects on her/his DREAM, based on a set of helping questions, presented by the facilitator - What is your dream? What do you like most to do? In what activities you like to participate the most? Where do you visualize yourself? (Important to accentuate is that key is not getting the right answer, but rather listen to your heart and intuition)
2. Participants work in small groups of 4-5 people where they share their dreams. The same groups are working until the end of the training course.
4. Based on the competences they acquired in each day of the training course and using support questions and all known tools and exercises, the members of the group, guide each participant/ group member in the development of 5 - 7 steps to realize their dreams. Every day, one step is recorded on a separate sheet of paper.
5. In this way, each participant creates her/his own path of development towards being more conscious, resonant leader.
6. Last day, each group presents to the others the paths developed by its members.
7. Participants "pass" different paths that lay on the floor. Following different paths, the participants are encouraged to talk about them and share their hopes and fears, to mutually strengthen the motivation needed in order to carry out these activities, to be open in receiving and giving inspiration.
SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.
This tool is for
Youth workers and youth leaders
and addresses
Social Inclusion, Personal Development, Peer education
It is recommended for use in:
Training and Networking
The activity is designed for a five to seven days training course
The tool was created by
(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)
The tool was created in the context of
This activity has been implemented during a training course on resonance leadership. “The olive tree” name was given by participants, at the end of the exercise, because of deep symbolic relation between leadership development and olive tree grow.
The tool was published to the Toolbox by
Dana Solonean (on 8 June 2015)
and last modified
29 May 2015
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