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Simulation Exercise

The Master of the masterpiece

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Simulation workshop to raise awareness on vandalism, reflecting about the boarder between arts and and damage.

Aims of the tool

raise awareness of the social implications of vandalism

Description of the tool

• Prepare separate spaces with favourite painting reproductions in each. For each painting prepare also a set of all the other materials.
• Invite the groups to the reproductions without knowing in advance where they will get to.
• Let the groups explore their space and initiate any action there what they will find appropriate. Let 15-20 min for this. Most probably they will add something to the already existing masterpiece or change it somehow.
• Ask the groups to change the space, so that they get to see a work of another group. Let the groups do any initiative with the “new” masterpiece again. Let some 10-15 min for this.
• Ask the groups to come back to their original works. Let them explore.

Invite everybody for the common reflection.
• Ask how did they feel when they found out their original work changed by somebody else. Why?
• Ask them to compare this experience to the previous step. Was their any difference for them when they changed a famous masterpiece themselves and when somebody changed their work? Why?
• Reflect about licences, author rights, vandalism in general.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

young people, min 6 people in total, to be formed in at least 2 groups of 3-6 people each

and addresses

Personal Development, Conflict Management, Environment

Materials needed:

a big reproduction of a famous picture (one, different one for each group), scizzors, paints, markers, knife, a glass with water, glue, paper, etc.


ca 45-60 min

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

"Young Soul" participants

in the context of

TC "Young Soul", Malta 2023

The tool has been experimented in

TC "Young Soul", Malta 2023

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Kristina Castronovo (on 22 January 2024)

and last modified

30 November 2023

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