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Secret of Happiness

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A combination of activities based on researches of Positive psychology that gives possibility to increase people’s happiness, learning results and work achievements.

Aims of the tool

The tool aims at creating positive mindset, increaseing people’s everyday happiness, learning results and work achievements.

Objectives of the tool
- To reverse mindset from negative to positive.
- To create attitudes towards positive and non-violent communication.
- To increase self-esteem and self-efficacy.
- To develop everyday habits related to positivism.
- To increase the learning capacity of the brain.
- To develop positive and supportive atmosphere in the group based on encouragement and feedback.

Description of the tool

This set of activities/elements/practices is based on researches of Positive psychology and inspired by Shawn Achor’s TED talk “The happy secret to better work” -
The results of incorporating these activities in the training/educational process are:
- Reverses mindset (from negative to positive);
- Increases positive emotions and positive thinking;
- Creates focus on positive self reflection and consciousness;
- Increases level of mutual care between participants;
- Encourages positive feedback between participants;
- Increases learning capacity by affecting brain functions;
- Increases level of sharing between participants;
- Improves group dynamic.

The elements/practices description:
1. Journaling in a diary – every day to reflect and write a) Three things that I am grateful for; and b) Most meaningful experience for the day.
2. Random acts of kindness – to perform everyday random acts of kindness by helping others and expressing gratitude personally.
3. Positive feedback (based on Non-violent communication principles) – everyday to give positive feedback by value/appreciating someone’s action.
4. Meditation.
5. Physical exercises.

Incorporating of these elements/practices in the training/educational program can be done by choosing many different simple activities - daily reflection – diary; relaxation after the sessions – meditation; physical games for energizers; morning exercises; open “microphone” for thanksgiving – random acts of kindness etc. Flexibility of the tool gives possibility to be incorporated in any learning settings and to be adapted to any environment. The level of physical and mental activities can be easily balanced to fit the program. It can create moments of routine/rituals in the program that can be performed every day and also to give diversity by choosing new activity every next day (which serves same purpose).

The activities can be used also for:
- Group dynamics facilitation;
- Daily reflection groups;
- Attitude changing programs;
- Non-violent communication skills development;

For developing sustainable results in increasing the level of happiness of the participants, the elements performed during the training course have to be transferred as daily practices. This can be achieved by encouraging them to continue performing these elements in their daily life for at least 21 days.

Step by step process:
1. Analyze the training programme and allocate proper time in it for incorporating different practices of "Secret of Happiness";
2. Choose proper activities to embodies above described practices.
3. Prepare materials for each activity.
4. Implement activities on daily bases during training process.
5. Encourage participants to continue practicing after the training.

The tool was tested already in 5 training programs (3 international and 2 national) with groups from 7 to 26 participants. Every time the group shows same predictable results - increased level of openness and sharing, increased cooperation and support, decreasing conflicts, demonstration of strong positive emotions, increased level of self-esteem.

The results of incorporating these activities in the training/educational process are:
- Reverses mindset (from negative to positive);
- Increases positive emotions and positive thinking;
- Creates focus on positive self reflection and consciousness;
- Increases level of mutual care between participants;
- Encourages positive feedback between participants;
- Increases learning capacity by affecting brain functions;
- Increases level of sharing between participants;
- Improves group dynamic.

1. Creates spots of routine and habitualness in the program, that serves as anchors for people who needs more structure during group processes.
2. Creates habits for using Non-violent communication .
3. The tool is very adaptable to every environment and group.
4. Creates positive and stable outcomes.

1. Needs proper preparation to be delivered - experience in certain practices (physical exercises, positive communication, giving instructions).
2. Reacquires high level of trainer's experience to be adapted and incorporated in the program.
3. Can lead to boredom if routine activities are perform every day same way (can be run with increasing challenge or developing more every day).
4. Can be uncomfortable or frightening to use word as "Meditation" (can be replaced and not focused of name of the process but on result and outcome).


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

Secret of Happiness

This tool is for

Any (by adapting chosen activities to age, number, cultural background)

and addresses

Intercultural Learning

It is recommended for use in:

Youth Exchanges
Training and Networking

Materials needed:

Materials and resources:
Materials completely depend of chosen activities by the trainer to perform described practices.
Some examples - suitable room for physical exercises, Tibetan ringing bells, notebook for each participant, envelops and place to create "Post office" etc.
Link to Shawn Achor’s TED talk “The happy secret to better work” -
Link to website with easy meditation practices -

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Ognian Gadoularov, Eleni Michail, Bogdan Romanica

in the context of

The tool was created as a Process activity to facilitate Non-violent communication and positive thinking during group-learning processes. It was result of teamwork by the three trainers working in youth field. The process started as an experiment on Posit

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Ognian Gadoularov (on 8 December 2015)

and last modified

2 December 2015

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