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Exercise, Ice-breaker, Name Game/Get to know each other

Name exercises

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At the beginning of the course, it is necessary to start to know each other starting by the names.

To get to know the names of all participants.

Description of the tool

Naming and moving

All the participants are standing in a circle and the leader of the game is in the middle of the circle. The leader start to say his/her name and then one after another, without any particular order, all participants say their names. Everybody should try to memorise them.

After all the participants said their names, the leader says the name of somebody. He/she takes the place of the leader and says another name taking his/her place... The rhythm should be quick. People have to be attentive. The game continues until the leader decides to stop.

Name circle

Everybody stays in circle. The leader is inside the circle.
The circle is moving to the right.
The leader, inside the circle is asking to turn to the left.
He / She is shouting: „ I am ..........Nina/Naim/...../
The participants moving in circle answer to the leader: Naim is OK!
The leader who is moving inside select another person from the circle and invites he/him inside the circle.
He or she is shouting: „I am.............
The rest of the group OK!
The game stops when all the participants have been in the middle of the circle or when the leader decides to stop.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

Any type of participants

and addresses

Social Inclusion, Disability, Anti-Racism, EuroMed, Group Dynamics, Youth Initiatives, Voluntary Service, YOUTH in ACTION (YiA) programme, Project Management, Networking and Follow-up, Intercultural Learning, Personal Development, Conflict Management, Organisational Management, European Citizenship, South-East Europe, Peer education, Gender issues, Eastern Europe and Caucasus, Evaluation, Youth Democracy projects, Youth Participation

Materials needed:

Enough space for everybody in the room


30 min

Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

SALTO EUROMED (on 11 June 2009)

and last modified

11 June 2009

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