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Exercise, Manual

Motivate to Engage (MTE) - Guidebook and Reflection Kit

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Guidebook + Reflection Kit

Materials are the result of the Erasmus+ Motivate to Engage project (Small scale partnership in youth).

Aims of the tool

Youth workers have the opportunity to access structured materials in one place, useful didactic tools to use in their work without investing too much time and energy in researching, compiling, experimenting with the approach or creating materials on their own. This is the resource they can go to whenever they want to create and deliver a workshop with youth, they have a starting point and a guide – tool they can use as a ready-made material, a repository of inspirational step by step advice and a textbook for their practical non-formal work and a reminder what and how to do it.
We provided the synthesis of different tools and methods that can be used to foster motivation (to achieve success, develop lifelong learning skills and become more resilient to be able to cope with stress) based on the existing practices and the one that were developed, tested out, refined and improved.

Description of the tool

Motivate to Engage – Guidebook: comprehensive guide is a valuable resource for youthworkers, and educators. It is packed with strategies, activities, and insights on how to guide young individuals in their journey of personal growth and motivation development.

Reflection Kit: Reflection Kit, featuring a set of thought-provoking cards, is designed to aid young people in self-reflection and fully engage youth participation.

These resources were created by EDUnaut (Croatia) and BIOM (Hungary).

Graphic design and illustrations by Bea Pántya. (

All materials also available here (in Croatian, Hungarian and English language):


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

Motivate to Engage (MTE) - Guidebook and Reflection Kit

This tool is for

Youth workers Teachers Psychologists

and addresses

Group Dynamics, Personal Development

It is recommended for use in:

Training and Networking
Strategic Partnerships


2 hrs

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

EDUnaut and BIOM, graphic design by Bea Pantya.

in the context of

Motivate to Engage project (Erasmus+ KA2 2021-1-HR01-KA210-YOU-000027439, 2021-2023)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Kristina Cvetković (on 25 October 2023)

and last modified

21 October 2023

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