Toolbox — For Training and Youth Work
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Simulation Exercise, Exercise, Group Building Activity
To clarify what are the “rules” and what are the “values”;
To raise awareness of the importance of languages in a multicultural environment;
To underline the fact that different terms come from in different languages and are used with different accents;
To enhance the understanding of working in multicultural teams;
To create a safe learning environment;
To facilitate participants' communication on different levels;
To work actively together as a group;
To discuss about importance of group and group learning;
To create a learning and working contract within the group;
60 seconds exercise-5 min
Aim:To see that perception of time could be different. To have a common agreement on time management
Ask participants to stand, close eyes. Ask them to, as silently as possible, sit down when they think 60 seconds have past. Then they can open their eyes. Discussion about time and make a common agreement on how
We should manage time during this TC. Is time the same for all?
Cultures? Individuals? How could we manage a group like this?
At the end, the team explained how important it is to have everybody involved at the same level in all the sessions of the programme and how important their individual involvement is for the group process.
Group Contract–20 min
The group is divided into small groups. They all have a flipchart
and some markers. They are going to be ask to write down a list to follow during the week, taking into account that they need to be fair for everybody and realistic. Back in plenary a list of the rules is written down to be present in the room during the whole length of the Seminar.
STAR*–15 min
The trainer in charge of this activity, in this case Justine, define the Euromed acronym STAR with the help of participants to talk about the values needed in the Euromed activities. (Longer explanation at the bottom of the page)
Summarise–5 min
The trainer again summarise all the metnioned points during the activities and differenced between rules and values.
SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.
This tool is for
For Participants to learn mutual respect and understanding as well as individual responsibility within the group
and addresses
Social Inclusion, Disability, Anti-Racism, EuroMed, Group Dynamics, Project Management, Networking and Follow-up, Intercultural Learning, Personal Development, Conflict Management, Organisational Management, European Citizenship, South-East Europe, Peer education, Gender issues, Eastern Europe and Caucasus, Evaluation
Materials needed:
A watch
Flip Chart and Markers
45 min
The tool was created by
(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)
The tool was published to the Toolbox by
SALTO EUROMED (on 11 June 2009)
and last modified
11 June 2009
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