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K2S Toolbox

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This manual is an outcome of the training course “Non formal education – key to success!'' organized by ENAS Association. The training course was a ‘train the trainers’ activity and it was funded by the EC through the KA1 Erasmus+.

Aims of the tool

This manual is a practical toolkit for volunteers, youth workers and other non formal learning practitioners who aim to work on development of the competencies needed in local and
international youth work. It enables the readers to explore and understand different aspects of non formal education and to gain knowledge needed for designing and implementing non formal learning activities.

Description of the tool

The manual contains a set of tools, activities and methods as well as theoretical inputs and references for the future work in the field.
This manual includes activities which were implemented during the training course and most of them are flexible to adapt to particular needs of specific target group.
It is structured by following typical program flow in any non formal learning activity. In the beginning there are icebreakers and other get-to-know-each-other methods followed
by team building activities. It continues with ‘train-the-trainers’ methods, followed by those designed by our participants and concludes with methods used for assessment and evaluation. It
concludes with flipcharts needed to provide theoretical input.
We hope that the readers will enjoy this manual and find it useful in implementing different kinds of non formal learning activities.
Also, we would like to encourage readers to use this manual when implementing workshops designed to train future youth leaders, facilitators and trainers.

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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

K2S Toolbox

This tool addresses

Group Dynamics, Project Management, Networking and Follow-up, Personal Development, Youth Participation

It is recommended for use in:

Training and Networking

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Nikolina Jureković

in the context of

This tool was created as an outcome of KA1 Erasmus+ TC 'Non formal education - key to success!'

The tool has been experimented in

All of the methods listed in this manual were experimented during 'training for future trainers' 'NFE - K2S!'

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Nikolina Jureković (on 27 July 2015)

and last modified

10 July 2015

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