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Simulation Exercise, Exercise, Presentation, Ice-breaker, Name Game/Get to know each other

ISS: Icebreaker Speaking Skills

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Icebreaking is not only for breaking the ice. You can facilitate learning from the very start of your training. ISS develops public speaking skills from the icebreaker.

Aims of the tool

merging experiential learning with the icebreaker

Description of the tool

(check the materials needed section)
- give each person an affirmation card
- give them one minute to think of one situation that relates to the card (positive or negative)
- let the first 3 people to tell their name and story (no challenge, just to break the ice)
- optional, if needed: teach a technique related to your topic (e.g. voice variety)
- give a challenge for the next 3 (e.g. they should vary their voice at least once in the story)
- optional: teach another technique (powerful endings)
- give another challenge for the next 3 (e.g. to have a powerful/inspiring ending to their story)
-> continue, varying challenges

- give challenges by what they have trouble with (e.g. if one person speaks too soft, go to the end of the room and tell him or her to speak, without shouting, so that you can hear what he/she says)

- you can modify the technique to other fields unrelated to public speaking


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

people interested in public speaking

and addresses

Group Dynamics, Intercultural Learning, Personal Development, Peer education, Youth Participation

It is recommended for use in:

Youth Exchanges
Training and Networking

Materials needed:

- 30 affirmation cards (I use Louise's Hay affirmation cards:
- 10 challenges in public speaking
- a group of 30 people
(numbers can vary)


30 people ~ 40 minutes
(you can decrease the time by giving them 20 seconds for their speech)

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Vaida Bogdan

in the context of

training at Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 3.12.2014

The tool has been experimented in


The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Bogdan Vaida (on 16 December 2014)

and last modified

4 December 2014

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