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Manual, Info session


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The E-Learning Platform serves as a hub for accessing materials related to the "Heritage & Sport" project, aiming to increase physical activity among children with disabilities in primary education.

Aims of the tool

- Facilitate access to project materials for interested parties.

- Provide training and resources for volunteers, teachers, and youth workers.

- Promote inclusivity and participation in sports activities for children with disabilities.

Description of the tool

The E-Learning platform is a digital tool developed to facilitate access to project materials and resources for volunteers, trainers, teachers, and individuals interested in promoting inclusivity and healthy lifestyles through sports. It hosts essential materials such as the Research Analysis Report, Policy recommendations, Guide of Best Practices, Handbook of Traditional European Games & Sports adjusted for children with disabilities, Curriculum for volunteers and teachers, and Handbook for Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle, Sport Activities, and Nutrition. This platform aims to support users in effectively implementing sports programs and activities for children with disabilities, providing practical guidance and resources in an easily accessible format.

The materials in the E-Learning Platform include a collection of traditional games and sports activities adapted for children with disabilities, along with detailed explanations and materials for implementation. Facilitators are equipped with specific teaching strategies, and guidance is offered for creating inclusive sports programs. Practical advice and motivational strategies are also provided to enhance participation and promote overall health and well-being through physical activity and balanced nutrition.

All the materials are in English language and freely accessible through platform.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview


This tool is for

Educators, trainers, volunteers, youth workers and individuals involved in promoting physical activity and social inclusion among children with disabilities in primary education.

and addresses

Social Inclusion, Disability, Intercultural Learning

Materials needed:

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Institute TREND-PRIMA Maribor, Konya İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü, Centre Gustava Šiliha Maribor, Mine Vaganti NGO, SPORT VIV, AETOI, University of Belgrade

in the context of

Heritage and Sport - Cultural Heritage through Sport for Integrity and Inclusion

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Mine Vaganti NGO (on 22 May 2024)

and last modified

14 May 2024

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