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Guidebook - Coming out of Uneployment

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This guidebook was created as one of the results of the project “Coming Out of Unemployment”, supported by the Erasmus+ program — Key activities 2 (KA2)
“Capacity building in the field of youth”, Western Balkans Youth Window.

Aims of the tool

This guidebook was created as a part of the project “Coming Out of Unemployment” dedicated to raising professional capacities of youth workers for the economic empowerment of LGBT+ youth through social entrepreneurship. Organizations from
six countries participated in the project: Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Spain. Through training, 36 youth workers acquired knowledge and skills related to training young LGBT+ persons in the field of social
entrepreneurship through interactive workshop activities

Description of the tool

This guidebook was created as a part of the project “Coming Out of Unemployment”
dedicated to raising the professional capacities of youth workers for the economic empowerment of LGBT+ youth through social entrepreneurship. Organisations from six countries participated in the project: Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia,
Bosnia and Herzegovina and Spain. Through training, 36 youth workers acquired knowledge and skills related to training young LGBT+ persons in the field of social entrepreneurship through interactive workshop activities.
The guidebook entails three sections. The first section describes the wider context through which social homophobia impacts the limiting of opportunities for work and employment of LGBT+ persons. Apart from the direct impact, homophobia has a multitude of indirect consequences and impacts that are seldom contemplated, and it is important to understand them in order to design adequate activist responses.
The second section describes the concept of social entrepreneurship as one of the strategies that have been proven to be successful in responding to some of the problems in the employment of other social groups encountering systematic obstacles.
The newly acquired activist experience of individuals and LGBT+ organizations can be of great use in applying the idea of social entrepreneurship. The steps in establishing a social enterprise have been described and examples from the practice of foreign
and domestic LGBT+ social enterprises have been offered.
The third section is dedicated to the description of workshops as one of the most efficient methods in acquiring new knowledge, attitudes, and skills with guidelines regarding the creating and facilitating workshops. This section contains specific examples
and guidelines for facilitating workshops with youth, creating new scenarios and organizational aspects of workshop activities.


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Tool overview

Guidebook - Coming out of Uneployment

This tool is for

Youth workers, LGBT+ Persons

and addresses

Social Inclusion, Personal Development

It is recommended for use in:

Training and Networking
Capacity Building

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Asocijacija DUGA /Association RAINBOW

in the context of

During the Erasmus + project "Coming Out of Unemployment"

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Miloš Perić (on 27 August 2020)

and last modified

4 March 2020

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