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Group ressources and needed support

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To have an overview about competences of the group
To use resources/ experiences/ competences of the participants to learn from each other
To establish connections between people having common interests for peer support in the future (after the course)

Description of the tool

1/ The session start with a short input on “Sharing tasks in a network” (see below)
2/ The they go in their project group, trying to define 2 lists of elements :
- Resources that they already have
- Resources that they would need to realise their projects

They write each on small papers
3/ Wall of resources : then each group presents its results ad stick their paper on the wall (papers are bricks o the wall)
4/ Connecting and bridging: we give time to the participants to have a look on the wall and go to talk with others, clarifying…
Then they can use 2 colours of post :
- One colour where they write their name if they believe that they can help, support a group that has a need
- Another colour to ask to a group that has certain resources to help, support them.
5/ Conclusion and reminding to the group that it is up to them in the next future to make this support system alive.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for


and addresses

Networking and Follow-up

Materials needed:

Tables, papers…



Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Denis Morel (on 7 October 2005)

and last modified

17 December 2008

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