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Enjoy in the EVS Challenge - EVS MANUAL

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Manual, prepared from the Participants of the Training Course:Enjoy in the EVS Challenge, Bitola, Macedonia 23-31 October 2014. The manual is discussing for EVS in general, with main focus on EVS mentors as a person with important role during the project.

Aims of the tool

The aim is in one place the youth workers to read everything about EVS challenge, from the applying process till the implementing process, with special attention on mentorship.

Description of the tool

The manual is starting with the question "Are you willing to experience one of the best volunteer opportunities in your life?" after that is giving detailed information about EVS from project planning till implementation. What's making this manual different is the attention put on the mentor as an important part of one EVS project.
The topics that can be found regarding the mentorship are: What is mentoring, differences between mentor and supervisor, the tips being a good mentor, the roles and responsibilities of the mentor etc.
Since this manual is made from youth who have been volunteers, the information inside are extremely useful.


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Tool overview

Enjoy in the EVS Challenge - EVS MANUAL

This tool is for

The target group is mainly focused on people working, or people who want to work with EVS volunteers (supervisors, menthors, project coordinators, trainers etc). Moreover, this manual can be usefull for future volunteers as well.

and addresses

Organisational Management

It is recommended for use in:

European Voluntary Service
Training and Networking

Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Dushko Radevski (on 13 November 2014)

and last modified

6 November 2014

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