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Simulation Exercise


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Experience working style or working method and the way you create things

Confrontation with commitment

Description of the tool

1. The big room has the curtains closed and is empty

2. The materials in the room are in strict lines with equal space between the materials

3. There is soft music playing (Santana)

4. During the assignment the co trainers are standing in the corners of the room and one on both sides in the middle of the long walls.

5. During the assignment the co trainers and trainer have to stay neutral, no talking, no smiling, no contact.

6. Outside the big room two co-trainers will do the briefing to the participants

7. The co-trainers will collect your watches and mobile phones

8. When the participants enter the room they have to be silence and find there place

9. Al the participants are going to sit on the floor in this way they all have space to work

10. The trainer will create an atmosphere of concentration by telling the participants that this assignment they have to do alone.

11. This assignment is don by you and for you alone


· During the working time you have to work in silence

· Do not make any contact with the other person in this room

· After the bell has ringed you all have 20 minutes to make a piece of art

· You have to make this piece of art with the materials that you have in front of you

· The pieces of paper that you can use are not allowed to be longer than 30 centimetres and breadth not more than 4 centimetres. (Show example)

· The trainer will tell you when the working time is over.

· Make the best piece of art you can create!

12. As soon as a participant is breaking the silence the nearest co trainer will go to this participant and take away the papers and the piece of art what is already build and give new papers.

13. After the 20 minutes the trainer will ask everyone to stop and to stay silences. The trainer will ask to put the material on the floor and your piece of art in front of you.

14. The trainer asks the participants to take a good look at their piece of art

15. Than the trainer will ask the trainees to write down the process of building

What did they think / feel when they entered the room

What happened when they heard the assignment?

How did you react on the instructions?

How did you start?

Where did you stop?

Did you just start building or did you have direct a clear picture

How did you handle the time, where you speeding, did you finish in time, was time running out, did it pressure you or did it make you creative

How did the surrounding / atmosphere influence you

16. When everyone is ready writing, the trainer will tell that the way they worked that is their working style or working method.

17. That is the way you create things

18. At the end the trainer can say look again to your piece of art and concentrate

19. Piece of music


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

People interested in self-learning

and addresses

Personal Development

Materials needed:

(for each participant)

Ten pieces of paper A4 (5 different colours 2 pieces of every colour)

Pair of scissors



India rubber



60-90 min

Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Tetiana Petrukha (on 22 November 2009)

and last modified

22 November 2009

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