Toolbox — For Training and Youth Work
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"Performing their Story" was a short-term project that was implemented in Cyprus in mid-2019. It combined Global Citizenship Education with Storytelling and Theatre for Social Change. This 46-page Handbook describes the project and the activities used.
This Handbook describes the rationale of the project, the results achieved, the key elements of the structure and learning design of the project and the non-formal activities used in the 5 days of the project. Anyone looking for:
A) non-formal activities related to Theatre, Storytelling and Global Citizenship Education
B) information regarding the learning design of a project,
may find new ideas in this Handbook.
"Performing their Story" was a short-term project implemented in Cyprus in May-June 2019 (total of 5 days). The project engaged Cypriot and non-Cypriot participants aged 18-35 with the aim of providing them the space to discover each other's realities, develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes and have an intercultural, creative experience, which culminated in a public street performance. This project brought together young people from developing countries and young persons from Cyprus, which wouldn´t otherwise have the opportunity to meet and interact.
The project was based on methods of real-time Storytelling, Theatre for Social Change, Experiential Learning and Global Citizenship Education. In addition, the project was based on four key concepts which are crucial for personal, societal and global sustainable development:
1) The Performing Arts: Highly creative and transformative, performance and storytelling can be used as a means of raising awareness for local and global issues, promoting cultural expression, identity representation, innovation, social development and inclusion.
2) Dialogue for Development: Poverty reduction and sustainable development cannot be achieved if dialogues are not initiated for what “poverty”, “development”, “quality of life”, “opportunity”, and “growth” mean to those involved in the conversation. In the context of Global Citizenship Education, the dialogue should include persons with lived experience of both the developed and the developing world.
3) Peaceful Co-existence: Peaceful co-existence cannot happen between humans if they are not peaceful within themselves. Inner peace is achieved with self-awareness and self-care. Interpersonal peace is fortified when people come together in a positive climate, through a dynamic and participatory process that encourages mutual sharing and cooperation in order to create something meaningful for themselves and the general public.
4) Care for the Environment: The destruction of the environment is not limited to the developing world. However, the quality of life of people living in deprivation in developing countries is lower than in developed countries. The responsible preservation and improvement of the human environment, through awareness and informed decisions, leads to a higher well-being of people no matter where they live.
The project was funded by the European Commission and the Bridge 47 project. Bridge 47 - Building Global Citizenship ( is a project co-created and implemented by 15 European and global civil society organizations. It mobilizes and empowers global civil society to contribute to a transformation towards global justice and eradication of poverty through Global Citizenship Education (and in particular target 4.7. of the Sustainable Development Goals).
SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.
This tool is for
The activities used in the Handbook were used with a group of 18-35 year old participants. However, with some adaptations, they can be used with participants from the age of 16 up to the age of 65 or more.
and addresses
Social Inclusion, Intercultural Learning, Peer education, Youth Participation, Environment
It is recommended for use in:
Training and Networking
Materials needed:
The materials used in the project are listed in the Handbook.
The tool was created by
Writer/Editor: Charis Charalambous (with contributions from the organizing team and the participants)
in the context of
The Handbook was created for a project implemented by Rooftop Theatre Group in Cyprus.
The tool was published to the Toolbox by
Charis Charalambous (on 7 August 2019)
and last modified
7 July 2019
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