Toolbox — For Training and Youth Work
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6 thinking Stickers is a evaluation exercise, which based on DeBono's 6 Thinking Hats method. However this exercise can be used as for individual as for group evaluation. Also, it can be used as a Self-evaluation method.
Aim of the exercise is to think about events happened during training and make evaluation or self-evaluation.
Trainer prepares big paper (6 Flipcharts taped to each other) and paints just circuitously any word: for example: THANK YOU! Also he/she prepares 6 different color stickers: white, red, yellow, pink, green and blue.
Trainer puts big taped Flip chart and color stickers on the floor.
Also, trainer writes on the flip chart or whiteboard descriptions of the color stickers:
white - Data, Information, Facts - on the white stickers participants write just facts which they can remember happened.
red - Feelings and Emotions - What the feelings and emotions their had during the training?
yellow - Positive things - participants answer the question: What positive things happened in training period? (something the most important for them).
pink - Contribution. What were their contributions during the training?
green - Creative thinking and ideas. What was the most interesting and new for them, which engaged them to create something new?
blue - Summaries, conclusion. What conclusion their made after the training? How their summarized it for themselves.
Trainer gives to participants 20-30 minutes to make fill each color stickers and attach stickers randomly on the words written on flip chart.
Better if trainer uses some background music.
When all participants finish their job, trainer together with volunteers, hang on the flip chart on the wall to show everyone how colorful and divers picture their get together.
After it trainer decide to do group work on leave it just for self-evaluation.
If trainer would to continue, he/she asks questions, according the colors in the big group and collects participants answers.
SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.
This tool is for
participants of the Youth Exchange and Training.
and addresses
It is recommended for use in:
Youth Exchanges
Training and Networking
Materials needed:
6 flip chart or one big paper
According the number of participants 6 different colors stickers (white, red, yellow, pink, green and blue). Every participant must have all colors one sticker.
Markers or color pens according to the number of participants.
Scissor if would be needed
Any background music
Explanation - 10 minutes
Stickers filling and attaching - 20-30 minutes
Summarizing - 20-30 minutes (up to the trainer decision).
1 h 10 minutes.
The tool was created by
Nugzar Kokhreidze
in the context of
More Mosaic Everywhere for Everyone
The tool has been experimented in
More Mosaic Everywhere for Everyone
The tool was published to the Toolbox by
Nugzar Kokhreidze (on 2 September 2017)
and last modified
28 June 2017
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