Predict CSD Consultancy is a company which was set up in 2006 and it is specialized in delivering training courses and consultancy in different fields, such as:
- Youth work - we are an authorised centre to deliver youth worker certified courses;
- Recruitment and selection of personnel –simulation exercises;
- Organizing events in tourism;
- Stakeholders engagement;
- Corporate Social Responsibility;
- Project Management;
- E-learning;
- Video games / E-games;
- Online courses.
For the following period the main target of the company is to develop online courses, educational games, face-to-face trainings, social enterprises projects or/and sport support systems.
We coordinated a KA2 project where we had more than 3000 participants from more than 60 countries in online courses, using an original approach of the e-learning,
The e-learning platform is structured around a story about a journeyman (the user) who travels in different areas (the countries of the partners) in order to become a master. Enjoy the ride on!
Some testimonials about the courses can be found here:
You can try, without registration, a preview unit available here:
The project was implemented together with another 8 partners from 5 countries and had a budget of 139,917 EURO.
The work in "The suitcase, the map and the voyage of a youth worker" was very much appreciated on the national and European level and the project has been selected as a "success story" and good practice example by a panel of experts from the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission. "Success stories" are finalised projects that have distinguished themselves by their impact, contribution to policy-making, innovative results and/or creative approach and can be a source of inspiration for others. The selection of your project as a success story was made on the basis of rigorous criteria regarding its quality, relevance and results.
We were thrilled and very happy to see that our work and the results produced in this project were appreciated on their value and efforts put there. From the EU file with finalised projects, for 2014 year, we were in a small group of 5%, there are only 89 projects with this stars from a total number of 1777 projects finalised on ALL the KA2 areas.
The project ‘‘The suitcase, the map and the voyage of a youth worker” proposes the following objectives during its length of 24 months (1st September 2015- 31 August 2017):
1. To prepare a full range of 3 necessary tools for youth workers, in 2 years of the project;
2. To build and test an online training course for 50 people interested to become youth workers, in 2 years of the project;
3. To allow 200 young people to test a full range of innovative, created tools in order to project their personal and professional life plan with the support of youth workers, during 2 years of the project;
4. To create and test an online training courses for one key competence from the Reference Framework, by 200 young people, during 2 years of the project;
5. To certificate 23 people interested to become youth workers on the Romanian Occupational Standard;
6. To build an international partnership network of 9 structures, in the ground of youth work during 2 years of the project;
Some of the main contracts/projects where the company was involved in the last years:
1_) 2013 - The project HURO/1001/270/2.3.2 – ”Metode comune de formare profesională prin învățământ la distanță, curriculum și program în vederea eradicării șomajului structural din turism” – EDU Tourism. Main activities realized there: creating a manual for a training course – ABCs in tourism, making a design for a training called ”Course for guides of touristic groups in the region”
2_) 2012 – 2014 - Consultancy for a pharmaceutical company in the fields of: general management, how to choose and efficient place for a local branch, realizing marketing strategy, preparing the plans for recruitment, selection, orientation motivation and rewarding for own personnel, making interview guide, SIMULATION exercises for potential employers, business plan etc
3_) The community center of Suplacu de Barcău – 2007 - 2009 – in a partnership with another company, we supported Petrom company and the local community from Suplacu de Barcău to set up a community center which become an NGO representative for that community. For this project we followed the main steps from Stakeholders Engagement strategy: Inform, Consult, Involve, Collaborate, Empower. Some of the main indicators from this project:
- Number and diversity of non-formal activities (e.g. trainings, camps, workshops) developed for persons from the local communities: 10
- Number of participants in non-formal education activities : 150
- Number of people participating in Centre activities: 50
- Number of local people participating at projects implemented in other localities: 12
- New development ideas created due to the Centre: 5
- Number of positive messages given by the people from local community at the end of the first 16 months of the project: 10
- SWOT Analysis – 1;
4_) Local Partnership for Community Development (PLDC) – 2007 – 2009 – in a partnership with another consultancy company, we supported the local community and local business to create a space for dialogue and partnerships in order to create local sustainable development initiatives and sustainable decisions. The GOALS of this multi-stakeholders forum have been to:
- Create a space for information exchange, dialogue and debate that everyone in the community feels comfortable to approach,
- Promote debate regarding the sustainable development of the area, encourage the ongoing improvement of a common sustainable development strategy and plan, and stimulating the exchange of experience, opinions and values,
- Partner with local institutions and stakeholders to enable the strongest possible community development as agreed under goal 2; support stakeholders in their clarification of roles and responsibilities,
- Encourage training and professionalism among partners to optimize our community's capacity to assume projects and implement them successfully,
- Raise the capacity to apply for and absorb public investment funds into the local community,
- Encourage the members of PLDC and fellow community members to assist community citizen’s who have problems, in the limit of their capacity. Help options to include direct help, making connections with the most appropriate person or institution which could help, enabling informed decisions, providing support for grant writing that could help solve the problem, etc.
5_) Assisting Pro Democratia – Filiala Arad to realize opinion pools, to involve citizens in the decisional process on transparency law, to organize seminars and to promote a specific project – 2007
Partnership establish to develop projects on e-learning, open education, digital content, e-games, online courses, community development, youth work etc.
Our aim is to develop online tools integrated in online courses and e-games for youth to support their learning paths in programming, robotics and STEM.
We plan to develop a board game, an educational video game and a curriculum focused on European ages of Enlightenment, Discovery and Scientific Revolution.
The project focuses on developing an e-learning platform and an engaging video game to teach young people and adults about healthy lifestyle practices.
EnAct aims to educate young participants on environment protection using digital tools: an online platform, a short simulation film and a video game.
Raising awareness of human trafficking with an e-learning platform, escape game kit, and virtual simulation to educate and prevent exploitation.
Our aim is to develop an immersive simulated environment commonly known as video game, in which the learner travels through Europe’s history and values.
We look for associated partners to be involved as PlayPoints for an educational video game exploring history, The Spirit of Europe – Origins.
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Predict CSD Consulting is
Main areas of work: E-learning / Online courses / Video games / E-games on educational areas / Youth worker / Social Enterprise / Community projects.
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