Underpinning Principle: Self Empowerment

An understanding of the what, the why, the who and the increased self confidence that this understanding brings other benefits not only for the young women themselves but also for their families and communities.


"Educational attainment is, without doubt, the most fundamental prerequisite for empowering women in all spheres of society, for without education of comparable quality and content to that given to boys and men, and relevant to existing knowledge and real needs, women are unable to access well-paid, formal sector jobs, advance within them, participate in, and be represented in government and gain political influence." World Economic Forum (2005)

Education is a key asset when seeking employment, but it also has a far wider role to play in personal development. It provides information, and the tools to access information, about the world. It gives individuals confidence to assert their views and opinions and the confidence to challenge those of others.

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"Enhancing women's economic empowerment comes close to being a "magic potion" that boosts both gender equality and the wealth and well-being of nations.

With greater economic power, women gain more say in household decisions and tend to promote - and spend their own money disproportionately on - the nutrition, health and education of daughters as well as sons. Moreover, women's economic empowerment is linked to less corruption and armed conflict and, over the long run, less violence against females." Blumberg, R, L., (2005)

Economic participation lifts people out of poverty, can bring confidence, independence, social interaction and improved quality of life. Financial security benefits not just the individual but the entire family.

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Participation in civil society

Civic engagement covers a wide range of activities, from volunteering to acting as a local councillor or being a school governor. Women have a critical role to play in developing strong, active and empowered communities in which they are able to support themselves, define the problems they face and tackle them in partnership with other members of their communities.

Civic engagement touches on all aspects of community life, providing the widest range of ways in which citizens can be involved in issues that affect their day to day lives.

The following section, Participation, looks at the key concepts of civic participation and suggests some ways of measuring and optimising the involvement of young ethnic minority women and the wider community in decision making processes.

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