Empowerment has become a common buzz word in recent times. There is a common understanding that empowerment, and in particular the empowerment of women, can lead to collective action for positive change.
Within the movement for the empowerment of women there exists an understanding that young women from ethnic minority backgrounds have additional support needs within the empowerment process.
However, experience tells us that whilst there is a willingness on the part of workers to engage with young ethnic minority women to enable them to reach their potential, there are a number of challenges to them making this valuable work a reality, these include:
With this in mind, SALTO Inclusion developed resources in order to help young ethnic minority women, and those working with them, address these challenges.
Empowerment and Youth in Action - Why is this a powerful combination?
This section is designed to help create a greater understanding of the theory and practice of empowering young ethnic minority women and to enable the reader to share that knowledge and understanding with those who would question its benefits and potential.
The theory of Intersectionality as a basis in working with ethnic minority young women.
Empowerment can lead to collective action for positive change! Empowerment - in theory
Empowerment of Young Ethnic Minority Women: key steps
The Pathway Approach: collective and personal pathways
An understanding of the what, the why, the who and the increased self confidence that this understanding brings other benefits not only for the young women themselves but also for their families and communities.
Participation means taking part in a process through collaboration, shared ownership and responsibility.
Your project will have a greater chance of success if the local community is on board!
Empowerment in Action! A few examples to inspire your empowerment work.
Empowerment in Action! An example from Belgium
Empowerment in Action! An example from Sweden
Empowerment in Action! An example of good practice from Belgium/Flanders
Empowerment in Action! An example from the UK
Young ethnic minority women can face, on a daily basis, a clash of cultures and often have to struggle to find a "fit" for their identity within the "cultural soup" they swim in. Empowering the young women to find and assert their role within this "cultural soup" is a crucial key step in their empowerment process.
Involving participants from the beginning!
Young ethnic minority women are a particularly vulnerable group, an awareness and understanding of their specific needs is critical to the effectiveness of a project involving them
Through interaction with people from different cultures, traditions, beliefs young ethnic minority women can build on their personal and social skills. They learn to respect others and to deal with new situations.
The Youth in Action programme and her Inclusion Strategy
More money for (international) youth projects
The point being that you undertake project for a reason: to have an impact. This impact should not stop as soon as the activity is over, therefore time should be allocated to consider follow-up and dissemination activities.
Are you hungry for more resources on the subject of young (ethnic minority) women? This list will help you out.