Resources for Young Ethnic Minority Women

SALTO promotes the empowerment of Young Ethnic Minority Women with the use of the Youth in Action programme as a tool.

"There is no tool for development more effecticve than the empowerment of women" - Kofi Annan

Empowerment has become a common buzz word in recent times. There is a common understanding that empowerment, and in particular the empowerment of women, can lead to collective action for positive change.
Within the movement for the empowerment of women there exists an understanding that young women from ethnic minority backgrounds have additional support needs within the empowerment process.
However, experience tells us that whilst there is a willingness on the part of workers to engage with young ethnic minority women to enable them to reach their potential, there are a number of challenges to them making this valuable work a reality, these include:

  • Limited awareness and understanding, by workers, young ethnic minority women themselves and the wider community, of the core values and influencing ideologies of work with young ethnic minority women
  • Concerns of family members and religious and community members
  • Values, habits related to their specific ethnic minority and cultural background
  • A lack of resources (staff, funding etc)
  • A lack of information on the practicalities of setting up a project

With this in mind, SALTO Inclusion developed resources in order to help young ethnic minority women, and those working with them, address these challenges.

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