Stefano Esposito


From the first moment I experienced Erasmus+, I understood how much I wanted to work in the field and to do concrete actions to empower people to discover themselves!
Erasmus+ changed my life, and I decided to undertake the path of trainer/facilitator to share my enthusiasm and passion with other people

Stefano Esposito has 7 references for past work as a trainer.

Stefano Esposito

Contact details

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Trainer connections

  • Fabio Meazza
    Fabio Meazza

Current occupation

Project Manager&Youth Worker

Work experience

Human Rights | Youth Empowerment | Environmental Awareness | Digital and Media Content Creation

Co-Funder & Project Manager | Loud & Clear | 2023 - current

Erasmus+ Project Manager and Youth Worker | EKO Greece| 2020 - 2023
- Experience in project design, implementation and facilitation of non-formal education activities
- Coordination and implementation of KA2 and KA3 with respective international mobilities

Erasmus+ Youth Worker Freelancer | yEUth | 2021 - 2023
- Implementation of International Training Course in the context of Human rights, Digital Citizenship and Science Literacy
- Design of non formal education activities

Erasmus+ Trainer Freelancer | Neoanalysis | 2022 - 2023
- Design and Implementation of non formal education activities
- Coordination of Erasmus+ KA2

Erasmus+ Facilitator | Seize the Day | 2021 - 2022
- Implementation and Facilitation of Erasmus+ KA1 International Mobilities

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs | EKO Greece | 2020 - 2021
- Project Design (e.g. Erasmus+ and Amif)
- Web-design

Administrative Intern | Embassy of Italy in Helsinki, Finland | 2018
- Desk Research
- Organisation and Logistic Support (i.e. Italian Mission to Slush 2018; Italian Week Cuisine)

Assistant to the Project Manager | APS Creativi108 | 2017 - 2018
- Support and development of Erasmus+ KA2

Educational pathway

Master in Local and Global Development
International Affairs and Development | ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – Università di Bologna | Bologna, Italy | 09/2016 – 10/2019
- Project Cycle Management
- Cooperation

Bachelor in Political Science and International Affairs | Università degli Studi di Trieste | Trieste, Italy | 09/2013 – 07/2016
- Political Science
- History and International Affairs
- Economics


Ivane Javakhshvili – Tbilisi State University | Tbilisi, Georgia | 02/2018 – 07/2018
- International Affairs and Development
- Economic Development
- Political Science

Academia De Studii Economice Din Bucuresti | Bucharest, Romania | 09/2015 – 02/2016
- Political Science
- Economic International Affairs
- Geopolitics

Fields of training expertise

  • (intermediate) Citizenship Education
  • (advanced) Communication Skills
  • (intermediate) Conflict Management & Mediation
  • (advanced) Creativity & Art
  • (intermediate) Crisis Management
  • (intermediate) Diversity & Anti-Racism
  • (advanced) Environment & Ecology
  • (advanced) Entrepreneurship (Social)
  • (advanced) Equal Opportunities
  • (advanced) Group Dynamics & Motivation
  • (advanced) Human Rights
  • (advanced) Intercultural Learning
  • (intermediate) International Youth Work
  • (intermediate) Leadership Development
  • (intermediate) People Management & Cooperation
  • (intermediate) Personal Development & Empowerment
  • (advanced) Project Management
  • (intermediate) Public Relations & Marketing
  • (advanced) Public Speaking
  • (intermediate) Social Inclusion & Exclusion
  • (intermediate) Social Media
  • (advanced) Storytelling & Humour
  • (advanced) Youth Exchanges
  • (intermediate) Youth Worker Training

Knowledge about institutions and programmes

  • (advanced) Erasmus+ (KA1) Youth Exchanges
  • (advanced) Erasmus+ (KA1) Training & Networking
  • (advanced) Erasmus+ (KA2) Strategic Partnerships
  • (advanced) Erasmus+ (KA2) Capacity Building (other countries in the World)
  • (intermediate) Erasmus+ (KA3) Youth Policy Meetings
  • (intermediate) Erasmus+ (lifelong learning, non-youth)

Working with specific target groups

  • (advanced) Intercultural Teams
  • (intermediate) Marginalized & Excluded Youth

Experience with specific geographical regions

  • (advanced) Eastern Europe and Caucasus
  • (advanced) Euro-Mediterranean Co-operation

Language Skills

  • (good) English
  • (fluent) Italian

Trainer references

This profile was last modified on 2024-03-18

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