TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Gabriel Brezoiu
The training course looks at the migration in general terms and deepens its context with the youth work relation and its effects on the inclusion of young refugees and young people with migration background. In addition to that, the participants of the training course will understand the context of youth work in contributing to the inclusion of young refugees and also they will develop educational programmes for young refugees and young people with migration background. As a result of that, the participants will be enabled to design, implement and evaluate their own education programmes related to youth inclusion for young refugees and also young people with migration background.
1 ) To strengthen the understanding of inclusion and its challenges for young refugees and young people with a migration background
2 ) To create strategies on youth work context to improve the quality of youth services which are developed for refugees and young people with a migration background
3 ) To explore the role of youth work in inclusion strategies on educational services
4 ) To create and implement local activities on the inclusion of young refugees and young people with a migration background
5 ) To strengthen ties between people and organizations engaged in the field of youth work Activities to reach out the objectives and it is a correlation with the objectives of the project
Youth4Inclusion is a 7-day-mobility activity of youth workers under Erasmus+, KA1, aimed to strengthen the competences of 30 youth workers and youth leaders in finding proper approaches for fostering the inclusion of refugees and also marginalized young people with migration background. The participants were coming from 10 countries: France, Italy, Spain, Romania, Poland, Greece, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Lebanon
The training activity was based on nonformal education methodology including methods such as:
- icebreakers;
- name games;
- teambuilding activities;
- working in intercultural groups;
- simulation games;
- workshops led by the participants;
- intercultural night;
- fishbowl;
- debates;
- case studies, etc.
The project reached the following results:
- 8 workshops led by the participants;
- one raising awareness campaign developed throughout the training implementation “1001 nights”;
- 30 individual follow up plans, one for each participant.
The project impacted:
- the individual participants, by developing their skills in the field of inclusion and working with migrants, cultural awareness and knowledge about inclusion practices in other countries;
- the partner organizations by raising their international exposure, exchange of good practices and collaboration;
- the target groups of the organizations involved, by taking advantage of new opportunities for their personal and professional development tailored to their needs;
I was the leading trainer for this activity, in charge of the preparation, delivery, and reporting of it.