TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Armin Cerkez
Project tends to go beyond stereotypes and discriminations in our communities and offer quality support for young women to start their enterprises. It is rather innovative in our communities, although at the level of the EU there are quite a few support mechanisms for female entrepreneurship. In our communities, unfortunately, there are no entrepreneurship empowerment centres for young women.
Specific objectives of the training course:
- Exchange views about the unemployment and entrepreneurship of young women in different European countries (tendencies and influencing factors, specifications of the target group, focuses, etc.).
- Discuss how non-formal education can positively influence better young women employability and employment and to share examples of good practices combating youth unemployment.
- Encourage the development of different education programmes for empowerment of unemployed young women in local communities, with special accent being put on developing their self-directed learning skills, entrepreneurship skills and business plan development.
- Explore the possibilities for young women entrepreneurship on European Level (existing strategies and available funding).
- Encourage the creation of systems for empowerment of young women in local communities in the forms of learning centres or similar and to enable our participants to act as multipliers in those empowerment centres back home.
Project gather 27 participants from 9 organisations / countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Albania, FYR Macedonia, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Montenegro)
Visual collage and verbal presentations by national small groups of participants. Brainstorming, Moving debate, self-reflection questionnaire, theoretical input, complex exercise, small groups discussion and presentations in plenary. Videos, theoretical input, group discussion, wall-writing, small groups discussions, presentations in plenary, wrapping-up.
Training course was success, we “equipped” young women with set of skills needed to work on personal development in fields of learning, creating self-employment opportunities and sharing valuable skills among peers. When they go back in their organization they did local workshops for their peers in their local community.
I was working as lead trainer together with other international trainer from Croatia. We had support by one person for logistic. All training was done as team and both of us where doing all sessions as team.