This is a reference for Martin Fischer

Workshop on Youth Policy

The training activity took place
in Minsk, Belarus
organised by RADA
22nd-23rd February 2014

Aims & objectives

- Raising awareness about the “European youth policy” using the frameworks of CoE, EU: concepts, standards, mechanisms, institutions etc.
- To develop understanding of youth participation in youth policy development at the European level. Providing participants with the information about the European Youth Forum, it’s goals, structure, procedures, activities etc.
- Raising awareness about the state of youth and problematic areas of youth policy in Belarus
- To develop capacity of youth to take part in youth policy development in Belarus

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The team coordinated by the Belarussian Youth Council and I was responsible for the implementation of the training. The group was consisting of Belarussian activists and an EVS volunteer.

Training methods used & main activities

During the training we used several activities from COMPASS (education for all and on the ladder). The presented institutions have been introduced through quizes, followed by a presentation and work in reflection groups.

Outcomes of the activity

The activity sparked new ideas for further advocacy and education activites. Additionally we collected resources for the participants to learn more about youth policy and advocacy.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My role as trainer was to prepare the workshop, facilitate the process, introduce the institutions, lead the debates and provide further information for the follow up.

I worked on this training for 2 days as a full time trainer.

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