TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Gabriel Brezoiu
Youth workers learned how to plan, implement and assess qualitative youth projects (e.g.: design thinking, PMBOK, PEST, Root Cause and SWOT analysis, Agile project management), practise the use of digital tools to make the process more efficient (Google products, Discord, etc.), brainstorm on ideas
on how to go further and start working on concrete outh project applications for the next deadline.
Organisations were also introduced to PRISMA Network efforts and invited to join the network.
General Objectives
O1: developing project management skills, among youth workers, in order to plan innovative youth projects that best respond to the community needs
O2: increase the know-how, among youth workers, on digital tools to raise the quality of their project management process
O3: exchange best practices between youth workers on offline and online tools and methods to create qualitative youth projects
O4: improve collaboration at European and international level, between NGOs, to build meaningful partnerships
The seminar brought together 40+ youth workers from Romania, Spain, Poland, Greece, North Macedonia, Turkey, Ireland, Bulgaria, Portugal, France, Slovakia and Malta.
The training course was based on the nonformal education including methods such as intercultural groups, ice-breakers, group exercises, intercultural nights, local visits, simulation games, civic hackathon etc.
During the seminar, the participants worked on updating EQYP quality standard on 3 new dimensions, linked to the European strategies: green, social and digital.
My role was the one of a leading trainer, coordinating the pedagogical process and involving the other contributors, experts and facilitating the learning process during the local visits.